The Muffin Junkee Serves Tunes with your Tea

Muffin Junkee 15A- A Week With Conway Hambone Part 1(Mono Version)

April 05, 2014 Conway Hambone,Paul Worsley,Lucy Diamond,Leon Smith,Sally's Hat,Growling Dogs Nash,Ravi Kasinathan,Nick Bates,Robin Diamond,Mike Afford,Angelo Campo,Announced by Thee Raving Looney Jay Daniels
Mono Version -----------------------------------UK Musical Sensations Conway Hambone Plays Rock N Roll,Blues,Northern Soul,Reggae,Disco and Dub and more!---------------------------------------------------------------------------But just who are they?This mysterious band that records out of enigmatic shed studio in an undisclosed location in the UK?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Podhost Jay Daniels Travels to the UK with a tape recorder in hand to find out!and breaches the boundry of the shed in an unprecedented series of sit down interivews with Paul Worsley about Conway Hambone and he speaks with some Collaborators too!--------------------------------------------------------------------------Paul invites Jay into a the aneochaotic suite where he gives the Muffin Junkee live instrumental demos captured here on tape.Along with Material from Paul's first band Growling Dogs Nash(With Nick Bates)and Paul's subsequent Band Sally's Hat (Paul Worsley,Lisa/Lucy Diamond,Robin Diamond,Ravi Kasinathan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Conway Hambone Songs Played during this Podcast under a Creative Commons licence including rare tracks! Thank you Paul Worsley -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Melon Blender Stomp ..........Lower Eastside Shuffle ........Soultide ........Cuban Stomp .........Move Me ........Aquaplane .......Bone Hipshake .......Cellphone Shake ......Milk Stout Rock ......90 Degreez of Sleeze .......OmniWaltz .......Tears in My Beard .........----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sally's Hat Tracks Played on this Podcast :Party (Live)----------------------------------------------------------Growling Dogs Nash Tracks on this Podcast :Dance Like a Zombie ......Confusion .......Life is Strange .......------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ravi Kasinathan Tracks played on this Podcast :PSILUVU ........Tinned Peaches .......------------------------------------------------------------------Mike Afford Tracks played on this Podcast :All I know it Will Never Be Me (Angelo Campo)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important ****Listen to Part 2 of this Podcast which will be online here right after this one's called Muffin Junkee 15B:A Week With Conway Hambone Part 2 ****-----------------------------------------------------------------------Also note that due to the high quality of volume of material captured on tape there will be a Third 2 part Podcast about Conway Hambone Coming your way in 2 or three week that will feature the highly experimental music of Conway Hambone and Collaborators called from the Sublime to the Ridiculous !-so be sure look for that one***------------------------------------------------------------------------------Special thanks to :Paul Worsley for all the hours of interviews and musical demos and making available uber rare material for this podcast and for creating the brand new Muffin Junkee Glambone Theme! and thanks also goes to Lucy Diamond,Leon Smith who will be interviewed on the podcast that follows this one,Ravi Kasinathan,Robin Diamond,Mike Afford and Angelo Campo