The Muffin Junkee Serves Tunes with your Tea

Muffin Junkee 18 -Jim Guittard Takes Over The Studio for a Live Set

Jim Guittard,"Announced by "The Raving Looney Jay Daniels,Guest Ms Pipa Stafford Shelby,Barry the Night Janitor
The Psychedelic Innovator Texas Musician Jim Guittard makes Muffin Junkee History by playing an incredible Unscheduled Live Set in the Podcast Studio which includes many rare and non album songs ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------> Jim Guittard Surprise Unscheduled Live Set :(all songs are originals by Jim Guittard) ----------------------------------------------------------------> Jim Guittard's Live Unscheduled Set : 1.Higher Frequency 2.It's No Fun But I'm Ok 3.Girl's On Crack 4.Fear is Nothing New 5.Confusion,Lies,Guns and Drugs 6.Hoola Hoop Girl 7.Beach 8.Family Straight Jackets 9. Survival Mode 10 .You are on Track ------------------------------------> Podcast Details: The Psychedelic Innovator Jim Guittard bursts into the Muffin Junkee studio and interrupts a Scheduled Interview between Podhost Raving Looney Jay Daniels and his guest ( Muffin Expert and spokeswoman for the Global Alliance of Muffins ,Biscuits and Crumpets)Ms. Pipa Stafford Shelby that has resulted an heated argument between the two of them when Jay is about to play the normal set of garage band music. --------------------------------------------> Special thanks To Jim Guittard from the amazing Live Set made up of some songs from his various albums and some uber rare songs which have never appeared on any official Jim Guittard Album before! ----------------------------------------> Thanks also to Jim Guittard for special his audio mixing assistance for rendering this ground breaking unprecedented Live Performance of his Songs! ------------------------------------------------> Also special thanks to Ms Pipa Stafford Shelby Global Alliance of Muffins , Biscuits and Crumpets for being a guest on this podcast ----------------------------------------------------------------------------> apologies to The Paisley Incident ,The Marmalade Conspiracy ,Children of Tomorrow ,The Sentimental Jerks and The Nonsensical Maniacs. ( I will play your music sometime on a future podcast and again sorry it never got played this podcast episode as was the original plan for this show ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------> There will be a full length writeup for this podcast at : which will have links where you can check out all Jim Guittards Music -including studio versions of the live songs Jim Played here on this Podcast -------------------------------------------------------------------> Please leave The Muffin Junkee Some Comments about this Podcast at our Twitter site: -------------------------------------------------------------------> Also leave comments for Jim Guittard on Twitter at : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------> The Next Muffin Junkee Podcast at the end of September will feature Chicago Psychedelic Greats The Red Plastic Buddha ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------> Muffin Junkee Theme by Paul Worsley