The Muffin Junkee Serves Tunes with your Tea

Muffin Junkee special edition :Sendelica's 10th Year Band Anniversary Podcast Part 2

Sendelica , Pete Bingham ,Glenda Pescasdo , Lee Relfe ,Lord Armstrong Sealand , Meurig Griffiths , Twink , "Announced by " Jay Daniels
Sendelica's 10 the Year Band Anniversary Podcast Part 2 Details : Sendelica Founder and Guitarist Pete Bingham rejoins Muffin Junkee Podhost Jay Daniels for more interviews about Sendelica's 10 musical years together as a band . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> On this Podcast you will hear Pete talk about some of Sendelica's Key releases on Fruits De Mer Records and their relationship with this excellent label and about Sendelica performing together with Pink Faerie,Stars (Syd Barrett ) and Pretty Thing and Pink Wind ..Legend Twink and you will hear their collaborative Track Black Widow Man during this Podcast ..Kindly made available by Vincebus Eruptum Records ! thanks ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Check out the video for Black Widow Man at : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> and please check out Twink's website at : ___________________________________________ ______> Sendelica 10th Band Anniversary Podcast Part 2 Set List : 1.Set The Controls for the Heart of the Buddha (Live at the Borderline ) 2,Baalbek Stones (Live ) 3. Black Widow Man ( Sendelica with Twink ) 4:Vellichor ( brand new track from Sendelica's upcoming new album The Cromlech Chronicles ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> And as an added bonus ..Pete will be treated to a full Welsh Breakfast during this podcast !complete with Laver Bread as per his demands ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> You will also hear some special audio congrats to Sendelica from Greg Curvey of The Luck of Eden Hall ,Tom Zeta of The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies and psych solo artist Jack Ellister ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Thank you Sendelica ! ( Pete Bingham ,Glenda Pescado , Lee Relfe ,Lord Armstrong Sealand and Meurig Griffiths for making this Podcast possible ! and here to many more years of Sendelica making their excellent music together ! ________________________________________________> Check out all of Sendelica's Full Length Albums and their EP's at : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Also special thanks to : Twink ,Vincebus Eruptum Records, Keith Jones ,Fruits De Mer Records , Greg Curvey , Tom Zeta and Jack Ellister ! ___________________________________________________> Muffin Junkee Theme by : Paul Worsley of Conway Hambone