Here's The Thing...Lauren Cardinale, CMS-CHt, FIBH, CPC

Is Your Stress the Gift You are Giving for the Holidays?

Lauren Cardinale, CMS-CHt, FIBH, CPC Season 1 Episode 38
What events trigger stress for you during the holidays? Stress, in general, is an important topic, but particularly at the holiday time of year - buying and giving, the money, the parties, the lack of time, the food and drink, the family issues, the loneliness. Do I need to go on? And at the end of it all, it's our loved ones that we bring our stress home to - not a very good gift! I’ll be talking about what it can do to your body – scientifically - and then discuss practical tips for how you can actually make a difference in your mind, body and life at a cellular level. These tips can begin changing your stress effect - inside and out - and right now