Here's The Thing...Lauren Cardinale, CMS-CHt, FIBH, CPC

ANXIETY - The Squeaky Wheel (encore presentation)

Lauren Cardinale, CMS-CHt, FIBH, CPC Season 1 Episode 44
ANXIETY – the squeaky wheel. Anxiety is an emotion like any other - with its ebbs and flows. When anxiety starts building on itself, it gets very loud - like the toddler in the supermarket having a tantrum - and we can hear nothing else. Being an emotion, we can (more) simply, either lose control of, or gain control of it – like any other emotion – and our emotions serve a purpose. We have to understand the message inside the mood in order to name it, respond effectively and release it. We’ll begin to understand anxiety a little more, learn the message it's really sending, and then give it another job to do (instead of a time out).