Northside Bible Church

God Is Our Help, Stability & Strength

Stan Givens

So if you’ve been paying attention to the world around us much at all over the last few months, then you might have noticed that 2020 has been a little, well, crazy. For some it’s been unnerving and altogether terrifying. From a global pandemic to riots in the streets to political upheaval, wildfires, murder hornets, and everything in between, it looks as if the very fabric of society is ready to burst apart at the seams.

“Worry” is a common word and something to which most of us can relate. Maybe you can identify. Maybe you’ve been worried about the future, your finances, your job, your health, the election, your family, or all of the above.

But, the beautiful reality is that even as everything goes all 2020, we can have eternal joy, hope, and peace because of God’s sovereignty. So don't pull out your hair. Instead, join us for this special series as we learn to anchor ourselves in the promises of Christ!