Burning Gotham

Burning Gotham Teaser 003: Moving Day

May 23, 2020 The WallBreakers
Burning Gotham Teaser 003: Moving Day
Burning Gotham
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Burning Gotham
Burning Gotham Teaser 003: Moving Day
May 23, 2020
The WallBreakers

May 1st, 1835. 

It’s a cold and rainy Moving Day. Every renter in New York is out on the street looking for lodging. Most of the city’s quarter-million live below Houston Street in buildings four stories or smaller, but construction is booming. 

New people are pouring onto New York’s dangerously overcrowded streets by the thousands. Rich and poor, many come to earn an honest living. Others for more nefarious reasons.

And it’s the perfect place to begin.


Coming soon to your favorite podcast app, Burning Gotham—a new scripted audio fiction series about the fastest growing city in the world, and the opportunists who shaped it. To find out more, please subscribe to this audio feed or go to BurningGotham.com.

Show Notes

May 1st, 1835. 

It’s a cold and rainy Moving Day. Every renter in New York is out on the street looking for lodging. Most of the city’s quarter-million live below Houston Street in buildings four stories or smaller, but construction is booming. 

New people are pouring onto New York’s dangerously overcrowded streets by the thousands. Rich and poor, many come to earn an honest living. Others for more nefarious reasons.

And it’s the perfect place to begin.


Coming soon to your favorite podcast app, Burning Gotham—a new scripted audio fiction series about the fastest growing city in the world, and the opportunists who shaped it. To find out more, please subscribe to this audio feed or go to BurningGotham.com.