Resiliency Theory

Episode 2: Welcome Louise Chernin

Ashley Carson Season 1 Episode 2

Episode two is an inspiring conversation with Louise Chernin, the President and CEO of the GSBA (Greater Seattle Business Association), on the topics of values, resiliency and leadership. Louise defines her values as equity and equality, honesty and integrity, compassion, collaboration across different communities, and diversity and inclusion.  She’s had a riveting work history focused on themes of equity, equality, social justice and reform. Serving as the CEO of Washington State's LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce she continues her drive for social change. Our conversation focused on creating diverse work environments and teams, how values impact our work, and if resiliency can be learned. I really loved her quote, “when you’re resilient you become sustainable”.

Review my blog: Creating an inclusive environment

Listen. Follow. Enjoy. #resiliency #resiliencytheory #values #quotient #leadership #journey