One Broken Mom Hosted by Ameé Quiriconi

This is How it Feels (Part 2) with Craig Miller

Amee Quiriconi Season 3 Episode 9

In Part 2, Ameé continues her conversation with Craig Miller, an award-winner author, speaker and advocate for suicide awareness and prevention.  

After self-publishing his memoir, This is How it Feels, in July of 2012, Craig joined The Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention and began speaking out about his suicide attempt and his battles with mental health issues. Since then, he has shared his story with hundreds of people, speaking at bookstores, charity events, and public events as well as at The Massachusetts Suicide Prevention Conference. He has also written blogs for The American Association of Suicidology’s Attempt Survivor Blog. Most recently, he has joined Growing Out of Darkness as the organization’s Program Director. 

Craig’s insight into his mental health issues and the steps he took to overcome them has not only helped those who also struggle, but it has provided valuable information to professionals in the mental health field as well. In January, 2013 Craig gave a filmed interview where he talks in depth about these areas. This interview has been used in a training program for mental health clinicians and is planned to be rolled out nationwide. He is also going to be featured in an upcoming document called “The ‘S’ Word” that aims to change the landscape of suicide prevention and awareness. 

In this episode, you will hear:

  • The suicide of his own mother in 2019
  • When suicide conversations should begin with children
  • Programs he's involved with in suicide prevention and awareness



Amazon link for book “This is How it Feels” 

Craig’s Website Documentary

Growing Out of Darkness Website