One Broken Mom Hosted by Ameé Quiriconi

1.29 Love Addiction & Relationships with Dr. Alexandra Katehakis

December 29, 2018 Amee Quiriconi Season 1 Episode 29

When most people think of addictions, they only think it can be substance abuse, like alcohol or drugs. However, it very common to be addicted to the thrill and excitement one gets from sexual or romantic relationships. And this addiction can be as damaging to a person, their life and their family. Love addiction, which is a "bed fellow" of co-dependency, strikes many people and is not well understood. Listen as Amee interviews Dr. Alexandra Katehakis, a nationally-recognized expert in the field of sex and love addiction, and learn how a preoccupation with finding Mr. or Ms. Right can actually be a warning sign of a deeper concern.

The Center for Healthy Sex
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
Co-Dependents Anonymous