PodCTL - Enterprise Kubernetes

Microservices with Istio

January 29, 2018 Brian Gracely & Tyler Britten

Show: 23

Show Overview: Brian and Tyler talk with Christian Posta (@christianposta, Chief Architect, Cloud Application Development at Red Hat) about the evolution of SOA and Microservices, Envoy Proxy and Istio Service Mesh, emerging application patterns, and how Kubernetes and Istio are the future of microservices.

Show Notes:

Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Give us a little bit of your background as a developer and history of working with various development frameworks/languages/concepts.

Topic 2 - Let’s start with some basics - as a development paradigm, why are we now seeing technologies like Istio and Envoy? The premise of service mesh “reliably connecting services across the network” sounds eerily similar to what we heard about ESB technology. Can you say some words about why this service mesh concept idea is different? Or is it?

Topic 3 - So we’re seeing a need to decouple the application code from the routing-level logic and control. Walk us through the types of things that Istio and Envoy are providing for applications? What are the performance implications of the service mesh? How is this related to API management? 

Topic 4 - Architecturally, where are you seeing some of the advantages of Istio / Envoy vs. either previous approaches, or some other service-mesh like projects in the market? (e.g. linkerd, Netflix OSS projects) 

Topic 5 - What are some specific problem examples that people run into that should make them think “maybe I need Istio”?

Topic 6 - Where is Istio in its maturity to run in production?
