PodCTL - Enterprise Kubernetes

The Blurred Line Between Containers and Applications

Brian Gracely & Tyler Britten

Show: 24

Show Overview: Brian and Tyler talk about the differences between a container and an application, and where the lines are blurred at the platform later. What should developers care about? Should Kubernetes be the only platform technology?

Show Notes:

News of the Week:

Topic 1 - What’s the most common “basic” question you get about containers? How often is it about either [a] what should developers care about?, or [b] what applications can go into a container?

Topic 2 - As we’ve seen from various survey data (both from CNCF and analyst firms), there is still some amount of “mixed orchestration” in usage. Have you seen specific applications that really require different orchestrators these days?

Topic 3 - Are the orchestrators similar enough that Ops teams can learn multiple? What else is required to operator multiple orchestrators?

Topic 4 - What is the line between a CaaS and a PaaS? Are those even the right distinctions anymore? What’s different for each for a developer?

Topic 5 - As we’re seeing more “serverless / FaaS” projects created for Kubernetes (OpenFaaS, Kubeless, Fission, OpenWhisk, Nuclio, Fn, etc.), where developers just deal with functions and event-sources, won’t this blur the line more? 
