John Hebenton's Podcast

Hikoi of Peace

John Hebenton

Palm Sunday (Branch Monday in Matthew) is time to join the disciples on their journey of recognising Jesus as the King who comes in peace, saving all from all that oppresses, offering God’s healing and life. We join them and Jesus as we walk though this holy week to Golgotha, where Jesus accepts his crown hung on a cross.
This week in lock-down offers a unique opportunity to enter this week more fully, holding the way of Palm Sunday in our hearts.

Some questions and actions - 

  • What oppresses us in our lock down?
  • This week take time to learn to what makes for peace, in your life, in this lock-down. 
  • Take time to be still, to experience something of God’s compassion and healing. Take time to know hope love, and joy.

The notes for this sermon can be found here