Coach John Daly - Coach to Expect Success - Podcasts

Lessons From A Children's Choir & Andy Andrews - Podcast #280

June 20, 2019 Coach John Daly Season 3 Episode 280

Amazing couple of things I found - all in the last day or two.  First of all - there was this fantastic post I saw this morning on a children's choir from Detroit that was on America's Got Talent last night.  This is a MUST SEE clip:     Mr. White is the Choir Director and what a difference he has made with these kids.  Amazing story with tremendous lessons in it.  Please check that out.    

Also, 2 podcasts that are both favorites of mine that interviewed the same person.  Andy Andrews is an amazing man with such a heart-felt for helping others.   First I listened to John O'Leary's podcast with him - check out here:  and then he was also on Brian Buffini's podcast - check that one out here:     Just flat out 2 of the best podcasts I've heard.  Makes me want to run out and find that book... which I will do at some time.   Hope you will too.    Valuable life lessons are indeed so valuable.  These stories here today offered me tremendous value - I hope they do the same for you.   

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