Coach John Daly - Coach to Expect Success - Podcasts

11 Things To Do With More Time At Home - Part 2 of 2 - Podcast #380

Coach John Daly Season 4 Episode 380

Here is part 2 of the article and with it are some more great points on things we can do if we have more time at home due to the COVID-19 virus that is all around the world right now.  This article gave a much more optimistic attitude and outlook with the things going on around us, than if I had not of found it.  I hope it gives you some new things to think about during the stressful times we are currently facing.  Even when this does pass, and it will, I hope we can come back to this article and these 2 podcasts to find value in remembering to slow things down at times in our busy lives and to always look to get better.  Find the article here: and I also mentioned Mitch Albom’s podcast about fear.  I think it’s a great one to listen to as well:       Thanks for listening.  Please take a few moments to subscribe & share this with someone, also leave a 5 Star rating on Apple Podcasts and ITunes or other services where you find this show.  Find me on Facebook:   on Twitter:  @coachtosuccess   and on Instagram at:  @coachjohndaly  You can also head on over to and get in touch with me there on my homepage along with checking out my Top Book list too.  Other things there on my site are being worked on – especially my blog page where I am back to blogging now.