Coach John Daly - Coach to Expect Success - Podcasts

It's Time For A Life Audit - Podcast #77

Coach John Daly Season 1 Episode 77
What a great audit to have done to you! It's one that we all need to do I think - that is take a look around in your life. Are you doing things you want to and need to do? This includes taking an account of the people in your life as well. I watched a quick video by Kim Perell and she was talking about doing a Life Audit on herself. A brilliant concept I think for sure where again, we can find ways of improving ourselves. Check out the video on FB here: Good stuff. There also is some other things here... relationships and the importance of them in our lives along with finding passion in our lives too. So many puzzle pieces in this episode... check it out and then let me know what you think. Find me on Facebook at: and on Twitter: @coachtosuccess Would really enjoy some great conversations for sure.