Coach John Daly - Coach to Expect Success - Podcasts

Just Breath & Other Great Lessons - Podcast #78

December 02, 2017 Coach John Daly Season 1 Episode 78
Wow - busy couple of days - but busy with some good stuff. One was not really titled GOOD - getting oral surgery? Not a fun thing to sign up for - but necessary to fix a problem and improve. The experience was painful for sure - but the lessons that came out of it were pure gold! The surgeon = top notch, not only at his craft of oral surgery - but the way he also treated me, talked to me, explained things to me, listened to me and the list goes on and on as to the positive experiences with this man. Also, his assistant - talk about a difference maker - this young lady helped me so much, answering questions, taking care of me during the procedure and offering the some of the most valuable words ever: JUST BREATH! She could tell I was getting a little bit worked up (clenching my fists, grabbing my thumb on one hand as I was trying to deal with the pain from the shots to numb my entire top part of my mouth) and she reminded me about the importance to just breath. I have used those 2 words with so many people in getting them to calm down and focus... and I needed to be reminded about it also. The second part of this episode came from other sources - another podcast - Oprah's Supersoul Conversations: the ideas of gratitude, being present, and passion. Great lessons from this one that I shared with our basketball team. The other one about confidence came from a TED talk with Dr. Ivan Joseph - another great lessons for you to check out and use. Always - leave some thoughts, let's talk about these ideas, share stories, help each other out.