Coach John Daly - Coach to Expect Success - Podcasts

Great Thoughts For A New Year & Every Day - Podcast #93

Coach John Daly Season 2 Episode 93
New Year with some good ideas to start it off in a good direction. Just about everyone has ideas they want to get better at for the new year - I think it's better to have these things going on every day! Doesn't have to be huge things, just little simple changes can have the most difference in our lives. I was listening to a great podcast from Brian Buffini - find it here: This helped me to get excited for working on all the things I have to work on in order to become a better version of me. There was another podcast of his that connected here too: These 2 podcasts (to me) are really powerful - a great way to invest in your own success. Would love to hear your thoughts - find me on my Facebook page: and on Twitter: @coachtosuccess