Coach John Daly - Coach to Expect Success - Podcasts

A GREAT Book With Timeless Messages - Podcast #139

April 24, 2018 Coach John Daly Season 2 Episode 139
One of my favorite books of all time is "Tuesdays With Morrie" by Mitch Albom. This book (like many of his books) was made into a movie - a fantastic movie by the way. For years now I have been teaching lessons from this book in my Principles of Leadership course and I wanted to share some things today that I was reminded about as we just finished going through the movie and some of the other items from the making of the movie. What got me thinking about this was listening to Dr. Jeff Lip's recent interview with his Pastor - Robert Burns - which was a great show by the way - check it out here: but it was the relationships point that they hammered home on the show - one thing Robert said - "if have to choose to be kind or be right - choose kindness." That got me thinking about Morrie and what so many of his lessons were about. Make sure you check out Mitch Albom's site that has tons of great information about Tuesdays with Morrie - find it here: There you can actually here some of the original interviews he did with his professor. Great lessons for all of us - every day we need to have these reminders. I know I do for sure. :-) As always find me on Facebook: on Twitter: @coachtosuccess and on Instagram: @coachjohndaly