Coach John Daly - Coach to Expect Success - Podcasts

Messages from High School Seniors, Oprah & Wes Moore - Podcast #151

May 23, 2018 Coach John Daly Season 2 Episode 151
Fantastic start to my day reflecting on what a group of high school seniors said in a video yesterday about #dearme -- what they would say to their Freshman year self. To add to that - listening to Oprah's SuperSoul Podcast and her interview with Wes Moore - find it here: The lessons I got from my seniors and from Oprah & Wes Moore... an awesome start to my day. Short and sweet episode to help you out - whenever you listen to this. You can make a change right now - today with this information that I'm sharing. I know I made a change in my mindset already. It's going to be a fired up day!! Leave me some thoughts on Facebook: or on Twitter: @coachtosuccess and even on Instagram: @coachjohndaly