The Village Church

Lent 20: The Table of Decision (AM)

Pastor Eric

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For Jesus, discipleship was deeply personal and relational. He called and calls people to come follow him. While here on earth he discipled his followers by sharing life with them, walking with them, teaching them by example, and setting them free to develop their own disciples. Even now he is with us. He sends his Spirit in us and on us so that we are never alone.

Jesus didn’t gather twelve people into a small group that met on Thursdays at 7:00pm and then hand them a scroll, and tell them to read a portion of it in preparation for the next meeting when they would discuss it. When he calls for us to go and make disciples, he isn’t telling us to invite our friends and neighbors to read Tim Keller latest book or sign up for a course on ‘Basic Truths All Disciples Should Know’ or head to the ‘Disciples R Us’ website for some stellar online training. He calls us to friendship and affection and intimacy. He calls us to lead by example. He calls us to rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. He tells us to irritate each other on to good works. All of these thing require relationship. All of these things require proximity. All of these things require vulnerability.

Discipleship outside of relationship is almost impossible. “As you’re going,” Jesus enjoins us, “make disciples.” It is a call to be aware of those God has placed in your path. It is a call to form relationships with those we find along the road of life. Jesus immediately follows this up with a call to baptize them. Being asked to baptize them assumes that they are not already believers. So much of our church discipleship is based on making immature Christians into more mature Christians. Young Christians into older Christians. Ignorant Christians into more knowledgeable Christians. All these are important elements, but the call to disciple is a call to minister before a person ever comes to belief. Jesus invites us to consider the people who surround us who are unaware of the kingdom of God and what it looks like to walk with them into faith.

Jesus calls his disciples to leave what they are doing and come follow him. Proximity matters. He doesn’t teach them his ways from a distance. He models the ways of God from close up. In a world where social media and social structures lead us further and further away from each

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The Village Church's sermon podcast is a weekly source of inspiration and guidance for the community. Authenticity is at the forefront of each episode, with Pastors Eric, Mark, Susan, and Michael delivering sermons that are grounded in truth and filled with personal stories and real-life examples. The goal of the podcast is to make spiritual growth accessible to all, regardless of background or belief system.

Each week, the pastors explain different aspects of the Christian faith, exploring topics such as the disciplines of prayer, fasting, and giving, as well as more practical subjects like relationships, finances, and personal growth. They bring creativity to their teachings, making complex concepts easy to understand and inspiring listeners to live out their faith in new and meaningful ways.

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