Make Your Wedding a Highlight

A Perfect Marriage of Barn & Ballroom: The Majestic Oaks

DJ Josh Woeckener Season 1 Episode 3

Barn wedding venues have surged in popularity over the last five years. At first glance, you'd think The Majestic Oaks would be just another addition to that category. But, Karen Hornsby, co-owner of The Majestic Oaks, shared the deliberate process her and her staff went through to make it more than just another barn wedding venue. Instead, the different design and functional features available at the venue open up the "paintbrushes of the mind" for couples to really make their wedding day their own. We also chatted about Karen's passion for music and the potential that the future holds for Majestic Oaks. To see the venue, check out the blog it was recently featured in!

This Highlight Weddings & Events Podcast was edited and produced by DropHouse Voiceover Production Studio and Tony Tee Neto, Voiceover Artist & Audio Producer. For more info on branding elements, editing, and post-production services, visit

The intro and outro used for this episode is Crush - Royalty-Free Music by License: CC BY (

[Crush - Royalty-Free Music by License: CC by (]

DJ Josh: This is Episode 3 from Make Your Wedding a Highlight. My name is DJ Josh Josh from Highlight Weddings and Events. And my guest today is Karen Hornsby, co-owner of The Majestic Oaks.

Tony Tee Neto from DropHouse: If you’re getting ready to, or already in the process of planning your wedding, you’ve come to the right place. DJ Josh Josh, owner of Highlight Weddings and Events, interviews other local 30A wedding pros to offer insight about how to make your wedding a highlight.

DJ Josh: Well welcome back. Thank you for checking out Make It A Highlight. I’m here with Karen Hornsby with The Majestic Oaks in Vernon, FL. How are you doing today, Karen?

Karen Hornsby: I’m doing well. How are you, Josh?

DJ Josh: I’m doing alright. Alright. Um, before we get started, would you be willing to tell your listeners about yourself?

Karen: Sure. Yeah! I am, I’d have to say my first love is music. I’m a person who really loves music: I’m a vocal artist. And, I have done that with my family all of my life, a number of years. And, I’m married with a young daughter who is 16 years old who has had some struggles of her own which has kind of led us down the path that we will be talking about some today. Been married for 20 years. Just love Jesus and celebrating people. And, just doing life the way I feel like as much as we can in a fun way as possible.

DJ Josh: Well, congratulations on your 20 year anniversary. That’s really exciting.

Karen: I know, right? Thank you so much.

DJ Josh: How did The Majestic Oaks come to be?

Karen: So, The Majestic Oaks came about, it was actually the idea was birthed this past July. Our family about 25 years ago, actually my Dad 25 years ago, decided he wanted to build a music theater. And, so again as I was saying, my whole family loves music. We’ve been in music all of my life. And he just kind of built it for a hobby and justa place that people could come and listen to country or christian music. And, here we are 25 years later. You know my mom and dad are in a new season of their life. And it just got a little difficult for them to manage.

And so in July, the family got together and we were like “What can we do with this 6,000 sqft building out in the middle of, you know, God’s Country and the beautiful country of Vernon, of course?” And my niece actually chimed in and said “We might should try to turn it into a wedding venue.” And everyone in the family was like “Yes! That’s exactly what we should do with this!”

Every one of us in our family have kind of dipped our toes in the wedding and event industry in some way or another. My sister-in-law is a florist. My niece is a hair and makeup artist. I love design and decorating. And I’ve hosted many many and produced many events. My brother is a carpenter. So it’s like all the arrows were pointing toward it. So, finally in July we were like “Yeah, this is exactly what we need to do.” And so we did. So, we took what was a music theater and now have made it a still doing events but just in a different way.

Karen: So now we’re a wedding and event venue. Yeah. 

DJ Josh: That’s cool that everybody in the family had different strengths and have experiences within the wedding industry.

Karen: Yeah, we’re very blessed with that. Very blessed.

DJ Josh: What kind of a couple do you think your venue is suited for?

Karen: Well, that’s a very good question. We hope that our venue is suited for anyone and everyone that wants to get married over there in that area. We’ve worked very hard to try to accommodate any kind of couple that comes in whether style-wise, financially, or whatever it may be. We’ve really worked hard to meet the needs of any couple that comes through there. And we may get to this later so I might be kind of getting ahead of it but we worked very hard in trying to make sure we weren’t a venue that fit into a specific niche so we really wanted to keep it open for reasons such as what you’re saying now. What kind of couple would you attract? Well, we are really trying to attract any couple that we can that would be willing to get married over there. 

DJ Josh: Ok. Yeah. No. Definitely. What are some questions that clients should ask a venue before booking, and that they may not initially ask that really good for them to find out answers for?

Karen: Well, you’re asking a good question there. So, a lot of couples sometimes don’t really know what questions to ask, so that is a very good thought to share. Because I was just recently listening to Allan Berg. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of him or not. Just recently listening to his book, and he was like “Some couples don’t even know what questions to ask.” And the first question they will always ask is “What is the price?” because that’s really kinda like the only question they know to ask. Well, what we noticed in our research when we were trying to make sure that we were a venue that kinda fit as many couples as we could, the first question you want to ask a venue is “Are you a la carte or do you offer packages?” Sometimes, you know, the a la carte thing can start to adding up. And you’ve got this that’s coming in. Are tables included? Are linens included? Are the chairs included? And, we had just found that for us it was more important for us to offer a package instead of a la carte to make it easier for us and also the couples who come in and inquire with us.

Another thing we’ve learned that you don’t think about asking your venue is “what is your parking?” Do you have enough parking for our place? So, thankfully we are a venue that can accommodate up to 200 guests. And, we had to make sure, you know, do we have parking that could accommodate 200 guests. That’s a very important question to ask as well.

Another of the questions we are often asked is “What do you do for your plan B?” So, if we have a rainy day, “What do you do for your rainy day?” A lot of times, you know of course, we all want to believe we have the sun in this beautiful Florida weather on your wedding day. But you know there is that chance because you are in Florida for us that there’s going to be, it could be rainy that day. You know, so thankfully we were able to think through that as well and then make sure we were able to provide a plan B, solid plan B, that would still feel great and that you won’t think about “Oh! My day was so ruined because we had to go to plan B.” We wanted plan B to be just as good as plan A as much as we could of course.

So those are some of the big questions that we’ve learned that should be some of the first questions you ask a venue. You know, the next would be, you know, “What insurances do you require?” and things of that nature. And not just for them but also for the vendors. Some venues are very different in the amount of insurance they require. So those are some of the good questions that the couples could think about asking. 
DJ Josh: A backup wedding plan is essential, especially if you’re planning on having it outdoor. And like you said, up until thursday last week, it had rained pretty much every day for a week. This was about monday. I had a wedding at an outdoor venue in South Walton County. And on Monday, I was like “Oh, man. I hope the weather is going to be good.” But when I looked on the forecast and it was supposed to be sunny from Friday. But sometimes you’ll just have random popcorn showers like they’ll just pop up out of nowhere, and not thinking about that ahead of time can really come back to bite you in the butt.

Karen: It sure can. It can send you scrambling, and it makes for chaos that’s for sure. We actually make sure we talk all the way through plan B right after we talk about plan A.

DJ Josh: Well, and it helps so that everybody is on the same page so that if something does happen, you’ve already had that conversation and everybody knows what to expect.

Karen: Exactly. It keeps the surprises away. It keeps the couple at peace as well, and the parents at peace as well. It’s like “Oh, yeah. It’s raining,” but they’re not panicking because they know we’ve already talked about Plan B. It really helps the stress level as well. 

DJ Josh: Right. So what are some things that set the Majestic Oaks apart from other area venues?

Karen: So, I’m going to go back to what I kind of alluded to earlier. The Majestic Oaks, our family, really worked hard to make sure that we didn’t put ourselves in a niche and that we were a venue that truly could complement and cater to any style couple that came to inquire with us and wanted to book with us. So we designed it and put a lot of intention and thought in every piece that we picked for this place.

So that if you’re a bride that really loves the glitz and glam that we have enough crystal chandeliers in there that would really go along with that look. Enough, you know, little rustic pieces so that if you are a rustic bride and like the country or the western look that we have enough of those little elements in there that it could go that direction or bohemian or industrial.

Whatever style of bride that came to our place or comes to our place, they feel like our place would complement the style that they have and that The Majestic Oaks is a true blank canvas.

That they can come in and let just the paintbrushes of their mind go crazy in there with over 5,000 square foot of open space for them to do whatever style that they want to pull off in this venue. So that they truly can accomplish the wedding of their dreams. A lot of venues they have a certain look and they have a certain theme and you really can pull off in their venue. So we just decided we wanted to go and keep it as timeless as we possibly could. So that it really feels like the magic that that bride and groom are trying to pull off can be pulled off. 

DJ Josh: What I really like about your venue is the fact that the interior andexterior are both white. To give readers context, in the area where The Majestic Oaks is, there are a lot of barn wedding venues. But, the thing about barn wedding venues is they are not very conducive for uplighting. You’re not going to be able to use uplighting to accent the walls because the wood is going to mute the colors severely. So when I saw the first picture on instagram of your venue I was like “Oh, Man! You could do so much with light in that space!” So, I really think that you’ve done a very good job of marrying a barn wedding venue with a ballroom. Being able to incorporate the strengths of both of them in one location.

Karen: Well, we really appreciate it and you said exactly what we were hoping to accomplish. We really worked hard in that. So that makes me very happy to hear you say that.

DJ Josh: Good! So, since The Majestic Oaks is a new venue. What are things you’ve learned in the process of getting The Majestic Oaks to where it is, and were there any surprises?

Karen: Oh my gosh! The list is long!

DJ Josh: I’m sure it is.

Karen: I would have to say one of the biggest surprises was learning how to get in the mind of the generations that are currently getting married.

DJ Josh: Ok.

Karen: You know, right now with the Millenials and Gen Z’s getting married. And the way they communicate and the way they like to learn about things are a lot different than when I was seeking a venue to get married at. And, just learning the way they communicate and how to reach out to them was very interesting.

We just recently went to the Wedding MBA and they were telling us all of the social media platforms that we needed to be on. One of them saying you better learn how to get on is Tik Tok. Because that is the next social media platform that all of these new couples that are going to be getting married in a few years are going to be on. And how important it is that we keep rolling with all of the new social media platforms that come out because it’s going to be a new generation.

And the way that they communicate and reach out to you is a lot different and may look a lot different in five years than it does right now. That was one of the big eye opening moments for us. We can’t just get used to “this is the social media platform we are going to use and nothing else.” We really have to be open minded and constantly moving forward with every generation that comes along and not get too comfortable in one space. We’re going to have to keep moving and learning and relearning and getting into the psyche of those who are whatever generation it is at the time getting married. So that’s definitely one of the ah-ha moments that we had. 

And just really some of the struggles that we had too but kind of that we put on ourself was, again, trying to make sure that we were making sure that we were building a place that in 5 years was going to be relevant. And that it wasn’t dated, or “This is a barn,” or “This looks like an industrial building,” or “This looks like too much of a ballroom.” And that we put a lot of thought and intentionality into every chandelier we picked and into the decor we picked and to the colors, again, that we picked. We did go with white purposefully, you know. Of course, white opens up a space and makes it feel bigger, but the reasons you just stated, too. You can get uplights and turn that place into a club if you wanted to, because of the way the light is in there and projectors. We kept it white because what if they want to use a projector on the wall and show some movies. You know how they like to use slideshows and such. So we put in so much thought and effort. As you know it was a music theater before. So we even kept the speakers that were mounted in our ceilings up so that if that couple comes and they don’t hire a DJ or if they hire another event that doesn’t have a DJ, that we have a sound system that we can use that will really fill that room up with the sound you want it to be filled up with. So, that was a process: learning and thinking about even the tables and chairs that we picked. That they were timeless and that they would still be relevant and good in 5 to 10 years from now.

DJ Josh: So, I like the fact that you are thinking ahead to being there 5 years and beyond. What do you think the Majestic Oaks will look like in 5 years?

Karen: You know, because we worked so hard in the inside to kind of keep it that blank canvas, one of the places that we’re hoping over the next 5 years to really kinda have a little fun with is the 35 acres the property is on. Because we have 35 acres, we’re hoping that we can create all these different little ceremony locations and stages for photography shoots. So we’re really hoping in 5 years that we have been able to develop all 35 acres. And I don’t know if I mentioned this or not, but we share a property line with a gorgeous horse ranch. I think this horse ranch has been featured in magazines. It’s really, really beautiful. So we’re hoping to capitalize on that being our view and plus, you know have a couple of gardens and really be able to have a lot of fun with the 35 acres we have there. And of course, we may do some things on the inside. There’s always room for improvement. Things you can add and take away but we’re really excited to see what we’re going to accomplish over the next 5 years specifically with our outdoors.

DJ Josh: Ok. That’s really cool, and I like the fact that you have so much area to work with. It’s almost like you have a blank canvas much like the interior of the current venue. You have so many different ways you can expand

Karen: And I didn’t mention this earlier and I’m sorry about this. I really do believe that we did to kind of set us apart is we put a coffee shop in our loft. It has turned out to be the cutest ,most cozy lounge area and we have already had numerous photographers reach out to us wanting to do styled shoots in our little coffee shop upstairs. Because, It is just gorgeous with the double staircase, wrought iron staircase leading up to this little lounge area. We’re really very happy and pleased with the way that it has turned out and we’re going to be excited to see what all the creative minds come up with for that too. 

DJ Josh: I really like that feature because with a lot of barn wedding venues you have the little balcony but there’s not a lot of space there and there’s no real function other than that’s what it is typically in the barn because that’s where they put the hay. Right?

Karen: Yeah. You’re right. Exactly

DJ Josh: I like how you’ve taken a space that is typically in a barn wedding venue but made it more than just a space, so that’s definitely a really cool feature for the venue. 

Since we’ve talked about the Majestic Oaks, let’s talk about you a little bit.

Karen: Oh, goodness.

DJ Josh: What is the best compliment someone has ever given you?

Karen: Oh, my goodness. Me, personally? Um. Oh wow. That’s hard. I was thinking about the best compliment someone has given The Majestic Oaks. Ok. So me personally. 

DJ Josh: You can apply it to The Majestic Oaks if you want but.

Karen: I was on a show about 5 years ago called Rising Star. It was on ABC. Much like The Voice and American Idol. I was on the show and loved it. Brad Paisley, Ludacris, Josh Groban, and Ke$ha were the experts on that show. And the greatest compliment that I have ever received was that my vocals were a combination of Carrie Underwood and Celine Dion. So, I literally had to pick myself up off the floor and I felt like I had to pay them for saying such a thing. Because, I am like there is no way but I sure appreciate you saying that, so that’s really one of the best compliments i have ever gotten. 

As far as The Majestic Oaks, I would have to say really what you said a while ago that it is truly a blank canvas and that we thought of all the details. So that’s one of the best compliments we’ve gotten. Because most the couples that come through so far have said “Wow, they thought of everything.” That was very complimentary. We like that.

DJ Josh: We’re going to go back in time a little bit. What did you want to be when you grew up?

Karen: Oh! Gosh. A Vocal Artist. That was super easy. I’ve always wanted to be a vocal artist. I LOVE singing. I’d sleep on the stage if I could.

DJ Josh: It might not be that comfortable, though!

Karen: Probably not! I don’t know. I loved singing. As I said before, my whole family we used to travel when I was in school. And, I remember the days vividly where I would get off the school bus, get on our family’s tour bus immediately, be gone all weekend travelling with my family, getting home late sunday night, and get back on the school bus Monday morning and do it all over again. That was my life for years and we just love it. And, so yeah when I was growing up it was just my dream. My favorite vocalists were Whitney Houston and Celine Dion. I’m like “Yeah. That’s what I want to do when I grow up.”

DJ Josh: Well that’s cool.

Karen: So I can be your wedding singer, too.

DJ Josh: Very nice, very nice. So since it sounds like you were very, very busy growing up, what is your favorite way to relax and unwind?

Karen: Oh, wow. Well, you know it’s friends. I just love, I’ve always loved just being with friends and hanging out and just laughing and joking around with them. To me that brings such life to me to be with the people that I love and value so much. Yeah.

DJ Josh: Do you have any final thoughts or things you’d like to talk about about The Majestic Oaks in general?

Karen: Yeah. I just am very proud my family and how we’ve come together to give people a wonderful that they can celebrate life and do life well together with other people they love and cherish as well. Because of our Christian faith, we see marriage and special moments in our lives as very precious. I don’t feel like it’s done enough, really. We really are honored that we get to do this for people and watch them do life together, as I’ve already said, with the people they love and value so much. So it is really humbling for us to be able to do something like this and provide people that space that can allow those little girls who’ve been dreaming for years about their amazing wedding day. And watch those magical moments take place for them. And because of our hard work and dedication to that see them come to fruition really does make it special. And, we do want to be a venue that brings the community together again and allow a community and family and friends to do life together on a fun way because life is so stressful and so hard and so difficult that it excites me and my family that we get to be a part of people’s celebrations and bring a community in a fun-filled way.

DJ Josh: Shere can prospective clients find out more about The Majestic Oaks?

Karen: We are at You can also find us on Instagram at @themajesticoaks and Facebook at @themajesticoaks. And we’ve just got on Tik Tok.

DJ Josh: Oh, man!

Karen: Yeah, we did.

DJ Josh: I’ll be honest, I have not gotten on Tik Tok, yet.

Karen: Warning, it is addicting.

DJ Josh: Oh, really?

Karen: Yes. Do be ware. Hours will pass before you know it because those videos are totally fun to watch. But, yeah. You can find us at

DJ Josh: Well, Karen, thank you for taking the time to chat with me.

Karen: Oh, for sure. Thank you! Thank you, Josh

DJ Josh: My pleasure. For everyone out there, thanks for listening. And, there’s more to come.

[Crush - Royalty-Free Music by License: CC by (]

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