Then and Now Preterist Podcast

Rom - Collective Body Fallacies

Ed Stevens
We take a historical look at the last sixty years since John A. T. Robinson developed his Collective Body concept, and how Max King adopted it and applied it to his resurrection eschatology. We quote from Robinson's 1952 book on The Body, as well as from a couple of recent authors (Holland and Gundry) who have interacted with Robinson's views. We show how Robinson used his Collective Body view to teach Universalism. Gundry points out how the Collective Body concept undermines the pre-70 saints' hope for a resurrection event at the Parousia by replacing it with a dying-rising process during the transition period. Since that contradicts Paul's clear teaching of the resurrection as an event at the Parousia, it means that the Collective Body View is in hopeless conflict with Apostle Paul and the rest of the eschatological scriptures. If you wish to have the free PDF written lesson outline for this podcast, simply email us to request it ( Be sure to mention the date of this podcast when you contact us.

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