Then and Now Preterist Podcast

Listener Interaction Session

Ed Stevens
It has been almost two months since we shared some of the great listener feedback that we are getting. This is always interesting and encouraging for other listeners who often have the same thoughts and questions. The first question wanted an explanation of the differences between the Futurist Bodies Out of the Ground resurrection view (BOG) and the two Preterist resurrection views (CBV versus IBV). Other questions focused on Daniel's Seventy Weeks, the first century rapture, and how the NT manuscripts survived and remained uncorrupted in spite of the rapture removal of all the true Christians at the Parousia. Several more questions and comments dealt with the two resurrection views within Preterism: CBV versus IBV. If you wish to have the free PDF written lesson outline for this podcast, simply email us to request it ( Be sure to mention the date of this podcast when you contact us.

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