Then and Now Preterist Podcast

Cestius Humiliated by Zealots (AD 66)

Ed Stevens
After Eleazar b. Ananias lawlessly put a stop to all Gentile sacrifices, the Moderates and pro-Roman citizens of Jerusalem pleaded with him to restore the sacrifices, but he refused. This division between the Moderates in the upper city and the Zealots in the Temple rapidly degenerated into armed conflict. Menahem overpowered the Roman garrison on Masada and brought all of its weaponry back to Jerusalem. The Zealots grew stronger by the day. The Greco-Syrian inhabitants of Palestine slaughtered their Jewish neighbors, and vice versa. Cestius Gallus and Agrippa II brought the Twelfth Legion to Judea to stop the rebellion, but ended up suffering staggering losses of men, equipment, supplies, and funds. This defeat of Cestius left Nero little choice but to send a huge force of over three legions to crush the rebellion. If you wish to have the free PDF written lesson outline for this podcast, simply email us to request it ( Be sure to mention the date of this podcast when you contact us.

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