Then and Now Preterist Podcast

Walking Worthy AFTER the End

May 13, 2016 Ed Stevens
This is the second of two lessons that Ed Stevens presented at the 2016 Blue Point Endtimes Conference. The first lesson looked at HOW the pre-70 saints lived, and WHY they lived that way. We looked at their expectations and hope and other motivations to live holy lives. In this second lesson we apply those principles to our lives today. We show when the Kingdom was supposed to arrive, and what Jesus and the apostles taught about our lives in the Kingdom AFTER it arrived. Even though we do NOT have the eschatological factors motivating our lifestyle (like the first century saints had), we DO have the same hope and the same vulnerability to persecution and the same challenges of life in this evil world that they had. And that is more than enough motivation for us to live godly lives.

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