Bethel CRC Lacombe


Pastor Jacob Boer

Today is the second Sunday of Advent, a time where the church slows down and reflects on the gift of Jesus who came to earth to become human like us.  This Advent season we will be journeying through selected passages from the Book of Revelation: Angels, Help Us to Adore Him.  We will continue with Revelation 3:14-22, Lukewarm Christians. This passage is a letter to the church in Laodicea.  It’s so easy when you’ve been in a relationship for a long time to take the other person for granted.  It’s not that you love them less, but you stop showing it, you allow other things to take your time and attention away from the other person, and you slowly begin to drift apart, allowing your love to grow less hot.  This creates lukewarm relationships, even with God.  The challenge is how to revive a lukewarm relationship again.