Flame CCR - 1. Interviews

CHAT ROOM - The Bogside Artists part 3 (Tom Kelly, Wellspring church, Derry) October 2018

john cheek

 "TOM KELLY was born into abject poverty in Derry, Northern Ireland and into a staunch Catholic family and community. He sought meaning and new life by travelling, especially to Dublin and also London - where he was questioned by Special Branch and sent back to Derry. There, a remarkable conversion to Jesus led to Tom becoming an evangelist within his community in the middle of a low-level civil war. Tom recalls what The Troubles were like, the times when he witnessed to masked-gunmen at IRA check-points, the death-threats he's received and how he went on to start up the Wellspring Church with a simple five letter word GRACE. Tom is also part of The Bogside Artists, whose work is now recognised world-wide but ignored by Derry Council. Parts 1 and 2 of this trilogy of programmes on the Bogside Artists are also accessible via Flame CCR's LISTEN AGAIN".