Calvary Church Podcast

Under the Influence

Dr. Willy Rice

We are living in a time of moral revolution. Al Mohler has outlined the three stages to a moral revolution. In stage one what was once condemned is now celebrated. In stage two, what was celebrated is now condemned. In the final stage any who refuses to celebrate is condemned. 

The idea of moral revolution against God’s truth is not new, and the ideas revolutions propagate are not new. In the Garden of Eden, the evil one in the form of a serpent whispered “Has God really said?”

In a sense that is always the question: revolution or revelation. Christians believe in the revelation of God, that He has revealed Himself and ultimate truth to us. Those who resist and reject God’s revelation opt for a human revolution. Revolutions promise freedom and liberty, but which path really leads to freedom? Which way really leads to life?

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