X-Band: The Phantom Podcast

#150 - Celebrating with Patreons


Today we’ve got an extra special podcast for you to celebrate our 150th* episode. 

At the end of every podcast we thank our patreons and we try to give incentives for our patreons such as the Phantom Preservation Project, prizes, behind the scenes etc, because without our patreons none of this would be possible so, today, in episode #150 we are throwing the lines open to our patreons. 

We have 13 patreons join us and they take over discussing a range of topics including what products and merchandise they would like to see produced and what are the key items to add to your collection. However one discussion did make the phone lines melt which was what would they do if they were handed the keys to Frew and Fantomen for a day.

A huge thank you to all our patreons who support us and to our listeners for making our 150th* podcast a possibility. Here's to our next 150 episodes.

*yes we are aware this is actually our 158th episode - It's a Phantom / Frew tradition.

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