The Not Unreasonable Podcast

Managing Hedge Funds, Insurers and Reinsurers with Todd Hart

June 14, 2018 David Wright Season 1 Episode 21

Todd has had the following jobs: political campaigner, investment banker, hedge fund trader, hedge fund portfolio manager, private equity investor, reinsurance company CEO, insurance company CEO and stay at home dad. I've known Todd for many years and have always admired his level-headed attitude towards complicated problems and what otherwise might be very difficult situations.

You can be smart and hard working, and Todd is both those things, but to me is he is more of a model for *how* to be smart and hard working. In the interview I want you to listen for evidence in the more universal qualities that set Todd apart: curiosity, optimism and a fundamental decency especially towards people that work for him and with him. Sign up for the mailing list at See older show notes at

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