Three Books

Episode 24: Three Books at the 2019 Illinois Library Association Conference

November 20, 2019 Three Books Episode 24

Three Books is Ela Area Public Library’s podcast series where our hosts, Becca and Christen, chat about three popular/favorite books. This month, Becca and Christen put a call out to all attendees of the 2019 Illinois Library Association Conference and they delivered with favorites from across the state! 

00:04:09                   Meet Amanda Kendall
00:06:56                   Meet Carey Gibbons
00:13:25                   Meet Donna Block
00:16:58                   Meet Elizabeth Elsbree
00:19:12                   Meet Jez Layman
00:25:05                   Meet Joe Marcantonio
00:31:50                   Meet Kathy Caudill
00:34:44                   Meet Magan Szwarek
00:39:26                   Meet Nancy McKay
00:40:35                   Meet Emily Porter
00:48:26                   Meet Nanette Donahue
00:51:49                   Meet Quinn Stitt
00:57:09                   Three Ya Later!
