The Painted Door Church - Chicago

Faith Together for Repentance Together/ Psalm 51:1-19

Pastor Morgan Gagne

In Christ’s history, He saved us. In our history, He heals us. We have been received by God, so we now begin receiving from God, from the inside out. From the center of our souls, Christ makes His first move for healing through the gift of faith. Faith is a gift and faith is a healing. Faith is the beginning of a lifetime, an eternity, of healing from Christ, freely given to us. Healing for free, but not healing for whatever idea of freedom we might have in our heads. Healing in this life, and the next, means conformity to Christ. Conformity to both the glory of Christ and the suffering of Christ. In faith, we step into the glory, but our next step is into suffering. That suffering is a lifetime of repentance. With faith comes repentance, with repentance comes confession, confession that happens in community. We are not just given experience in relationship with Jesus, we are also given Christ’s very own experience. So that repentance feels the way Christ felt under the burden of our sin. We join Him in the suffering of repentance and confession together, because we are alive together with His resurrection life.