The Painted Door Church - Chicago

That He Might Fill All Things/ Ephesians 4:4-16

Pastor Mark Bergin

God is the only source of life, and an abundant, overflowing source at that. So when we spend our days unaware of him, we forget just how much life we have. We begin to count the hours and preserve our energy and guard our possessions. We mistake these gifts of life for its source. And we then conclude that life is in short supply. The hours will run out. The energy will fade. The possessions will age and need replacement. We fall into the trap of racing death, feverishly collecting and hoarding as many memories and satisfactions as we can before the sun sets and life escapes us. But the Christ invites us back to reality. Jesus came into the world and spent himself with abandon, because he knew life was not in short supply. He didn’t race death, but rather allowed it to overtake him in full confidence that it would pass by and give way to life again. And when he ascended, Jesus poured out all that is in him that he might fill all things with that same unyielding stream of life. By faith, we are filled. By faith, we have endless gifts to share.