The Painted Door Church - Chicago

The Psalter of Jesus: From Vengeance to Forgiveness // Psalm 94

Pastor Mark Bergin
The desire for vengeance in the face of injustice is an undeniable part of the human experience. And this desire reflects the divine. God himself desires vengeance and has every right to carry it out. But God is also merciful -- so merciful that he ultimately absorbs his desire for vengeance into his very person. That's the cross. That's forgiveness. Yet the road to forgiveness is not short. It winds through that swampy longing for vengeance. In fact, unless a person is willing to admit their longing for vengeance and give voice to it, they cannot make their way to forgiveness. The Psalms of vengeance are God's provision for anyone who has experienced injustice -- and that's all of us. He invites us to pray these Psalms and give voice to our vengeful longings so that we might begin walking the same long road to forgiveness that he did before us. He invites us to stop pretending that we are more gracious than him and instead simply follow his Son to the cross.