The Painted Door Church - Chicago

Sent to Love: Love of Enemy / 1 John 4:7-12

December 16, 2018 Pastor Mark Bergin

God’s love is strange. The more we fight him, the more his heart breaks for us. The more we make him an enemy, the more he moves tenderly toward us. He simply will not accept our declarations of war as the final word. In fact, he will stop at nothing to convince us to lay down our arms. Even if it requires letting us slaughter him. Anything for the rage to pass, and an opportunity for open-hearted relationship to begin. That’s why the Father sent his Son into the world, to take all of our hostility into his body and bury it in the ground. He came so that our warring with God could cease, and we could just say to our Father what we’ve been hiding all along: “Our hearts are sick. None of our home remedies have worked. There seems to be no cure. Will you heal us?”