The Painted Door Church - Chicago

A Pilgrimage to the Christ/ Matthew 2:1-12

The Painted Door Church

Who will disciple you in 2019? That question matters far more than any goal you might set for the year. And to answer that question, first look back at the year just passed: Who discipled you in 2018? Was it yourself? Was it the fashions of our time? Was it some political or cultural or social leader? Identifying who or what has led you to where you are now provides a starting point for the journey ahead. In the ancient near east, a group of wise men began their journey from somewhere east of Jerusalem. They followed a star to Bethlehem, found the Christ child there, and worshiped him. We are in need of a similar pilgrimage, from wherever we are now toward closer presence with Jesus. Do you know the way? Have you studied the skies? Have you heard the prophets?