Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)

Upcoming events with the Nashville Dominican Sisters (Programme Excerpt) (S10E10b) 26 January 2020

Come & See Inspirations team Season 10 Episode 10

This week Sr Mara Grace joins us to update us on some planned events with the Nashville Dominican Sisters for young people.

  • The Dominican Sisters will be hosting a retreat for young women who are discerning their vocation and would like to explore the religious life from 14-16 February. Interested women can email for more information.
  • From 27 February to 3 March 2020 Sr. Theresa Anne will be offering a course for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I at St. Saviour's Church in Limerick. The €150 fee includes lunch and supplies. If you are interested in applying or would like more information email
  • The Dominican Friars and Sisters will be hosting the Upward Call Retreat for young adults from 13-15 March,2020 at Ennismore Retreat Centre, Cork. The all inclusive cost is €60. To book email
  • Theology on Tap
    Young Adults are invited to join us for 'Theology on Tap' at Bobby Byrnes Limerick on Tuesday 11 February beginning at 8pm. Fr. Conor McDonough will speak on the relationship of science and religion
  • Upward Call Pilgrimage this August - This pilgrimage from 25-30 August,2019 to Rome, Bracciano, and Ostia with the Dominican Friars and Sisters is open to all young adults (18-35). Spaces are limited so please book soon:
  • Sr Mara Grace also reminds us of their ongoing  Catechesis for 3-12 year olds