Come & See Inspirations (C&SI)

Benedictine Wisdom in a time of pandemic - 14 June 2020 (SS102fm Programme excerpt)(S10E30c)

June 13, 2020 Come & See Inspirations team Season 10 Episode 30

SS102fm is joined this week by Fr Luke McNamara to share with us some Benedictine insights in this time of pandemic while drawing on over 1500 years of lived monastic life. Taking the monastic vows of obedience, stability and conversatio morum as his starting point Fr Luke shares with us some thoughts on what the Rule of St Benedict could bring to us in this very changed landscape in Ireland.

Articles referred to in this weeks programme:

We are all monks now - America Magazine
We are all monks now - Bearing Online (same title, different article)
Monks aren’t the ones living in silence and solitude. We are - America Magazine