The Conscious Podcast

#36 - Hannah Materne on Empowering Affirmations, How to Stop Giving a F*ck & Listening to Yourself.

Carlo Cirillo Season 1 Episode 36

On this episode I shared a conscious conversation with the inspiring, Hannah Materne.

Hannah is a Digital Marketer, Speaker and a Self love & Mindset Coach.

We dived deep into Hannah’s journey through depression as a teen and overcoming that, healing your life, the importance of loving yourself, the power of your mindset, how to stop giving a f*ck about what people think, positive and empowering affirmations, being in flow not force, listening to yourself and so much more! 

This was the first time meeting Hannah after messeging her on Instagram literally 24 hours before this recording, so happy the timing aligned and we got to share this amazing conversation. I loved her perspective and teachings, and I think her journey is one that will resonate with many of the listeners.

I really enjoyed this and I hope you do too! 


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Speaker 1:

Hi Guys. I'm I'm a turn and you are listening to the conscious podcasts.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the conscious part of my name is Carlos to reload and this is your place to cultivate wisdom, weariness, life insights to raise your bay and become more conscious in your daily life.

Speaker 1:

How are you conscious fam? Welcome to episode 36 of the conscious podcast. On this episode I shared a conscious conversation with the inspiring Hannah muttered. Hannah is a digital marketer, speaker and I self love and mindset coach. We dive deep into Hannah's journey through depression as a teen and overcoming that, healing your life, the importance of loving yourself, the power of your mindset, how to stop giving a fuck about what you, what other people think, positive and empowering affirmations, being in flow, not force listening to yourself and so much more. This was the first time meeting Hannah after messaging her on Instagram, literally 24 hours before this recording. So happy the timing aligned and we got to share this amazing conversation. I loved her perspective and teachings. I think her journey is one that will resonate with so many of the listeners. I really enjoyed this and I hope you do too. Hello, how are you? I'm great. How are you going? I'm excellent, thank you. What have you been up to today? I have been at work today, so working digital strategy, digital marketing for food blogger, so I love my job. So Day went really fast, which was nice and yeah, now I get to be down at the beach with you so it's all good. Yeah, we're, we're sitting at Chibo on Henley beach next to Henley beach. Yeah, I'm going to be on there. Yeah, pretty much. Unfortunately there's a Surf Surf lifesaving club in front of us or we'd be looking straight at the ocean, but we can get some glimpses either side, which is nice. It's not all bad and we're just chatting about this before. Um, was a good friend Carly of both of our, or I'm going to say good friend after meeting her once, um, was just on a podcast yesterday and recommended that I get Hannah Ron to have a conversation and we'll just say, how amazing is it that people recommend people and you meet people like that? I'm just like, I love growing my network and meeting awesome people. And after looking at your profile and delving deep into stuff, I'm, I'm excited to find out more and to share more about you and everything like that. But before I get into that, what are you most excited about in life right now? Whoa. It is Christmas coming up, so I'm pretty excited about that because also my birthday at around that time. Yeah. So it's just a good time of the year and I think this year has actually been a challenging year, so it's, I'm kind of excited about the wrap up of this year and ending on a bit of a high night and then being able to start next year with like all these great new ideas and everything. So I feel very excited and in general I think I'm excited to be here, which is nice. So awesome. It's a good attitude. My, obviously, like I just said, I only met you on Instagram this morning. Um, for myself and the listeners that don't know much about you, can you give us a wrap up of your life from start to where you are now and all the things that you're doing? Yeah, sure. So, uh, my full name is Hannah. A turn for people don't know me, my guests, my whole journey. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

How I got to where I am today is that it was quite an insecure kid, so really didn't have very high self esteem in any way. Um, and was constantly, I guess trying to prove myself, but particularly I think as many probably young women experience in regard to body image. Um, and that just really took a toll on my whole entire thinking. So I was always thinking about what was ways that I could be skinnier or better. Um, but then also I think when you have a low self esteem and one area that can impact other areas of your life. So, uh, in your 12, even though I probably didn't realize that I probably was going through depression and that impact my marks in your 12. Um, and then even like greater ambitions for life and kind of always felt very different. Like who I was wasn't acceptable. I have a lot of friends who have very intellectual, which is incredible, but I always had a dream of being in fashion and felt that that wasn't acceptable by my family. Um, uh, not so much my friends, but just a lot of people around me that it wasn't the smart choice for the right choice or what you do. Uh, so I kind of even actually though, after leaving high school, it's funny how when you're out of a, I guess like a closed environment, it almost gives you room to breathe. So I sort of started to gain my confidence a little bit. I started to intern and fashion, um, and really enjoyed and really loved it and I think that just naturally helped to build my confidence. Um, but I still really struggle with body image. Um, and even looking back now, I most definitely had some sort of an eating disorder was never like, you know, clinically verified or anything like that, but I was just so obsessive with food and that gave me a whole lot of Tommy troubles. Um, and I was just going up and down like you go, Yo. And then I remember this one at the beginning of one year, I was just like, you know what? I'm so over hating myself and hating my body. And so I really went into, I went and got into hot yoga. Um, there's a great one here in Adelaide, a yoga fusion, um, and I really loved it. And just through that starting to naturally just hear words around self love and looking after yourself. And I was just, I dedicated every yoga practice to loving who I was. Um, but then actually I met my boyfriend around that time and it was interesting because even though I was probably without even realizing practicing mindset and self love and self belief, it was funny how our relationship, you all of a sudden think are lays my first serious relationships. I felt like everything was solved because now I was with him, like they're going to validate anything that you feel insecure about. Um, and so I kind of didn't completely stop, but it didn't pay as much importance to therefore loving myself anymore. Um, and it was when I went on exchange and being away from here, my found really tough and I just died and two really deep depression and I thought it was because I missed him, but then I came home and I was just, I was so miserable I couldn't get out of it. It was really struggled to get out of bed or indeed any sort of work, um, lost complete, I guess motivation and couldn't really understand like what the point was of moving forward. I wouldn't say I was suicidal but couldn't really see like much worth to me or my life. Uh, and there was a point where I went to the doctor because I was feeling incredibly tired but hadn't quite recognized that I was depressed and he picked it up straight away because as soon as he said it, I burst into tears. But then he said something else that made me really fired back. He told me that considering, uh, different things around my family heritage and everything that is most likely I was going to be depressed for the rest of my life and that I should just go on medication and accept this is how it was going to be. And basically there was a part of me, I would never say this out loud, but I was pretty much, it's like, fuck you, that's not going to be my life. Um, and I realized then that I had to make a decision otherwise because I didn't want this to be morality and I picked up a book called you can heal your life by Louise Hay. And that pretty much just started from there. I had never realized what it was to kind of control my mind in a positive way or choose beliefs that would support me. And yeah, basically just delved into the whole world of wellness and self development and just kept reading. And even though the, the idea of feeling good and who I was and feeling good about myself and loving myself, um, seems so foreign, I kind of just held on to that idea of that it seemed, it would seem better than where I was now to, even though it didn't quite seem possible, I became kind of like in a good way, addicted to making myself feel better and just was constantly practicing affirmations and mindset work. And naturally I just came to believe that, you know, not only did I feel better, but I felt better than I had ever in any point of my life. And the old stresses about how I looked and, um, what people thought about me story aside to melt away and of course human, like I'm not perfect, like things happen. Um, but whenever I have challenges, I always notice it's because it's the thoughts that I'm having about myself, um, that are keeping me really holding me back. Uh, and really from there I went to beautiful new life coaching school and studied life coaching. And now I work with women one-on-one, um, through helping them to not only work towards what they want in life or, um, I guess restructure their life, but mostly to live with confidence and had transformed the way they think about themselves. Because I'm very much a equally passionate about gender equality. And I think it kind of goes hand in hand is that men and women and people of, you know, transgender as well, often receiving messages about how they should be and how they fit in, in mile thing about mindset is really empowering you to be, we'll choose the messages that you want to believe in. So even no matter what anyone else is saying, you can stand up for yourself, you can support yourself and you're going to, I'm going to love myself who I am no matter what. And that's what I think really the power of mindset and you know, transforming the way you think about yourself when you think about your life can really do. And yeah, that's, that's how I got to here I am today. Oh, that's excellent. That's amazing. Um, the more detail the better cause I'm finding it more as well. So all of that leading up to Nasa, what all the things you do now. So mostly I work with women one on one, um, and then I do hold workshops as well. Like three retreats. Yeah. So have the privilege of holding workshops and doing one on one sessions that tally a pretty sore treats. She does so shine, which is a beautiful retreat in Adelaide. So that is um, mostly in person. And then I'm hoping next year to do more stuff online and really build that. But I love working with people one on one because that when you're with them for, I know I work with women for three months at a time. You really start to see that change. I remember one client, she just couldn't say no to people. It was a really big thing of women. I don't know about men as well, but they just can't say no. They feel really guilty for putting themselves first in terms of anything. In terms of anything. Yeah. So if someone asked him to do something, but they were feeling like really tired that night and didn't actually do it, like, yes, I'll do it, I'll do it. And um, and so I challenged one of my clients at least once a week, you have to say no to something that you actually want to say no to. And she was terrified. But by the end of it, you know, she was, she was completely living for herself and it wasn't in this selfish way, it was a really empowered way and all have friends and family round. I could see how much happier she was and she was so much happier. So I love doing that one on one work because you can really see such transformation over three months. It's incredible. Awesome. So one of the, one of the things that stood out when I did go through your Instagram and seeing the, I think it was a course that you set up and it was called how to stop giving your fucking proudly be yourself there. Is that still going? Ah, yeah, it has, um, adjusted over time, kind of that message was like, okay. Very interesting. Can you explain more about how you got to that point? Because obviously

Speaker 1:

with your story, there's that time when it all happened. I know Lou, I can resonate that with a few people that I, that are close to me. So what was that moment for you where it kind of switched to I want to actually start loving myself. Like stop with this, I'm going to go into doing this even ever in regards to the course. Oh yeah. Yeah. Well both.

Speaker 3:

But I think, you know, sometimes you have, you have to have a realization many times over. So I think for me it was that initial, you know, reading the book of, all right, it was the reading, you can heal your life by Louise Hay. And that was, I guess that was that initial thing where I was like, you know, Oh wow, I can really have control of my life. Um, and I don't have to just run along with this mind that tells me what to do. What, what made you read that book though? I had actually read a book earlier, um, by Miranda Kerr and it's just, I think it was called beautiful you or be yourself, something along those lines. It was the first book that she read, um, and back in the day or as, I don't know why I was obsessed with her for something. Yeah, I think as you are as a teenage girl, but she wrote this beautiful little book that was kind of about self love and she talked about Louise Hay's book in there and kind of as soon as the doctor said that I was going to be depressed the rest of my life, that was a book that just popped into my head. And I think that's when I first, you know, without realizing it, that was that first week. Dot. An intuition of like, this is what you have to do. And I just followed, it was, I went straight to the bookstore and border and I just devoured it. So that's why, um, yeah, I had just seen it before and it had just never left my brain. Um, so obviously someone trying to give me a really strong sign that I was meant to read it. But I think the whole thing about like, you know, not giving a fuck about what people think, it's definitely, um, not meant to necessarily be so aggressive or rude, but more being able to hear what people were saying but not let it impact you because quite often we get so stuck in self doubt because everyone's gonna have their different opinion based on their different experience of life, of what you're meant to be doing and whether you're going to be successful, what you should be interested in. And I guess I just became so overwhelmed with trying to live up to everyone else's idea of who I should be. Um, I'm a naturally a perfectionist and so when you're trying to be perfect and all these different ways that are almost start to almost contradict each other, it's exhausting. And I think, um, particularly earlier this year I realized that again, I had sunk into the path of trying to live up to everyone else's expectations and I just stopped everything. I stopped trying to eat healthy. I stopped trying to almost work on coaching. I, I just took a break because I think that the things that I loved had been turned on to expectations and pressure and shoots. And even though I'd actually love working, obviously I love being a coach and then actually love eating nourishing food. It was starting to come from a restrictive place and a stressful place. Um, yeah, it wasn't a floss. Exactly. And then, you know, it was interesting from taking that break, I naturally picked up those things again because of course I love them, but I just needed to give myself that time away to reach and to recognize what's right for you and not what everyone else is saying. Yeah. Nice. Would you say you're living your passion and your purpose? Yeah, I think so. Now I think I'm a very multi passionate person. Um, but what I love is in my day job, um, so worked for a food blogger, I get to be completely in the digital strategy mode and I get to be creative and that's so much fun. But then in coaching I get to where I also get to implement that. So the digital strategy side, which can be, it's all, it's so great when you're doing it for something you're passionate about because I think marketing can often be seen as a negative thing, but when you're putting forward something you believe in, it's, it's so different. But then in coaching, you know, I get to really work with women and being someone who's so passionate about women's empowerment and gender equality and seeing these women start to believe in themselves. It just is. I think there's nothing like it and you would probably know that when you just feel like you're really in your element. Um, and your, and also like you're constantly got ideas of how you can get, you know, grow and learn and do even more and you're just feeling with that constant excitement. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel very lucky to be living, I guess that passion and that purpose. It's so good to hear because through that it's just that like was saying before, it wasn't forced. So you're forcing and you're like, I've got to get back into flow of things and that's when things just start to happen. You trust more. Um, on that journey and I can live with myself at the moment like I'm in a great state of flow and all these things are happening like this conversation right now and it's a good spot to be. Yeah, cause you've got, you can say everything going for you, which okay there's things that aren't, but your perception on those and perspective on those and how you look at those things are going to be a lot better because you're in a hundred a sign up flow. Yeah. I think you're not so focused on the negativities or you just trust it's going to work out a little bit more instead of I think when you're trying to push to work something out or pushed to make it happen, that's when it just starts to blow up or even more and more. So when you can really, you have that sense of trust or focus on what's going right. Then often those things, he there that often quite literal things as well that don't really have a huge impact in the grand scheme of things. So Do you find in your coaching, what sort of the common things that come up, is it that the self image, I guess, boy, he's a body shaming. Would it come under that or is it a lack of self love? I think the common thing is I'm not enough. It's a word. Yeah. So it's worth being that, so I think women, it's often body image, but funnily enough, when we started to really take time to those, yet when you start to break down, it's usually deeper than the body image. It's usually I'm not enough. Or that guilt of putting yourself first. That comes up so much. And it really, I think I surprised me because I think sometimes I've heard of it that women often put themselves last, but it's, it was really common with pretty much every single client that I've had. Um, and I think belief in your ideas and your own abilities, uh, often they have these grand, I'd like grand schemes and dreams and ideas for their life, but it's like, who am I to make it happen? Um, what skills do I have? You know, it's, it's too far away. It's not possible. Um, and that, again, in itself, that's just, that's mindset. It's those beliefs and, but everyone who ever started anything always had to start from a place of zero at some point. You know, some obviously have different circumstances to other, but it's kind of that mindset that enables them to take whatever their situation into where they want to be. So, yeah. Awesome. Does it the question of what to ask, but I think you get to answer it on later on, but I'm going to ask it now anyway, is for someone that's in that state, what would you recommend the first steps to do? Yeah, I think when I reflect on my own journey, it's just very similar. It's look at who's around you and look and even what information you're taking in. I think that's one of the really big steps. Even this this year when I was just challenged with my own mindset again, I noticed that some kinds of people who are around me when actually like it's no surprise you're a reflection of I think the, you know, the five people that you're closest to. And maybe it wasn't necessarily like the closest, closest people, but there was still enough people to be bringing down and making me doubt myself. And um, so I think really have a look at who's around you. And if you struggle to necessarily put that separation with people in straight away to surround yourself with podcasts like this or books, I found podcasts are amazing because you, when you are listening to podcasts or even when you're watching like a documentary on Netflix, you're in a more relaxed state. So you're able to access that subconscious mind a little easier. And so your mind is naturally expanding when you're like, oh my God, look at that person, they're doing that or I'm hearing about that this person. And then so you might not feel so weird or so different or not possible for you when you're constantly listening to different people, um, who are doing all these amazing things or oh, just similar to you and connect with you on that level. Um, or who are working on my set themselves. So I think that's really great. I think my biggest thing as well is praising yourself an affirmation. So often we want to hear praise from other people. We want to hear those compliments. We're going to hear that affirmation. But the best thing you can do for yourself was give it to you. I mean, the biggest thing I learned in my relationship, it doesn't matter how many times my boyfriend says I'm beautiful. I will not believe it unless I actually believe at myself. So I think, you know, giving yourself that praise, whether that be that you're great at your job, but that you're, you know, you're always willing to learn, um, that you're confident. You know, sometimes just give yourself that praise. And also sometimes it might be the opposite of what you believe yourself to be right now. But if you keep telling yourself like, I'm shy, I'm shy, I'm shy, I'm shy, I'm shy, then that is all that is going to happen. You're going to be shy. So using like statements, positive statements or people call them affirmations, Louise Hay caused them that, um, and implementing them in every stage of your life. So general them, say them out loud, sing them in the shower. I even talked to myself in the car, people must think I'm nuts or hopefully they just come on the phone. But you know, just seeing them along to your favorite song, you could have it stuck on your, um, your car dashboard and just say over and over again. Or um, just as you're doing your makeup in the mirror or you're making a smoothie, there's, it's such a, it doesn't cost anything and it's something you can really be doing all the time, whether it's out loud or in your mind. And I think the more that I'm putting reminders on your phone as well as the great one, I think the more that you can kind of interrupt your mind with that positive statement, a positive message, the more it starts to become real. Even if it doesn't feel like it at first, which I completely get. But it's about showing up and repetition and it's okay to have bad days and to feel like it's not working. But the more you show up, the more we start to implement again. So don't ever be hard on yourself for, you know, maybe you didn't get it perfect the right time. That's all right. Just keep going. It will change if you'd feel that you're stuck right now and you don't believe me, I completely understand because that's where I was. But just give it a go like for 30 days. Just say I am enough every single day. Try to repeat it as much as it possibly can. And notice the difference just from saying that. So, ah, the, the, the power of those affirmations and what it does for your subconscious. So for someone like myself who have been delving into personal development cells 18 like I just happened to be around those sorts of people. Um, I guess I became very conscious of what was coming in that inflammation. What other people were those expectations, social media, what I was looking at, what I was feeding. Um, and then what I was saying to myself. So for example, one of my big things was attracting money. What was, I couldn't, or I wasn't attracted because of the things I was telling myself, which were programmed from childhood, but I didn't know. But it was always be like, you haven't worked hard enough. You don't deserve money. Um, you need to struggle in order to be successful. And all these sorts of things that were keeping me at a point where I didn't want to be. This year, I've hired a coach, um, and she's a coach

Speaker 1:

is amazing, Alyssa, and we delve into it like I thought I was at a point where I'm like, um, I'm work. Um, you know, I know this stuff. I say these things. I read the right books. I listened to the right podcast, but she just went into a whole new level of like depth into my subconscious of what I'm actually saying and how that affects your life because, and I've posted in the group the other day, so if you're not in the group, go to the Instagram, uh, the conscious podcast, click on it and there's a Facebook group, click on that and we always post up good stuff. There was a, a picture I posted the other day that shows, um, how, let's say at the start of your sentence how that affirms certain things to you, what energies and frequencies that lies that. So saying things like, um, I might or, uh, or I should, uh, sh assured,

Speaker 3:

I'm trying to think of the bad ones, but I don't say that anymore

Speaker 1:

in the coupons. But, um, I try, I this, this go and have a look. I might, I might attach it to the podcast and the show notes, but it's, it's stuff that you almost there, but you're not, you're actually saying to yourself, yeah, but no. Whereas if you're saying I can, I am, I have your affirming that they're yours. Yeah. You're embodying those. Um, especially with those affirmations, if you're saying I am enough, not, I guess I'm enough sometimes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Maybe completely different maybe on the weekend. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, I see the power in that and I love that you're delving into that and helping specifically women with that, but I'm sure you're gonna impact men.

Speaker 3:

Yes. New to this as well. I mean, I'm so open to both. Um, I think it's just my feminist side that comes in. That's why I work with women the most. But, um, I think, you know, I was just talking to a friend the other day and he was like, oh, there's so many guys who were interested in, I'm like, that's great because it impacts, you know, I'm going to go into gender equality again. But like, you know, just the fact that looking at stereotypes around males, you know, you can't be sensitive or, you know, boys don't cry. Just little things like that. And I would see that firsthand, how that impacts guys, where they feel like they have to be living up to the stereotype of who they are, who they are. So yeah, it works. I would love to work with guys too. Yeah, of course. And yeah,

Speaker 1:

it's funny because my coach, all of our programs where, um, tailored to women and it was the boss bay kind of boots and stuff like that. So me being a male coming in and she's like, yeah, Bosco and Carlo. Yeah,

Speaker 3:

it's all good. What is success to you? I think it's really for me being in alignment. So I think, you know, I was talking before about finding out what's right for you and I think that's really listening to yourself because that's going to change all the time as well. Like, you know, someday, I mean I'm a very much all over the place. So like some days I wanted to Kundalini Yoga and then other days might I just want to Jen or, and that's an a very obviously basic level. So I think success is that ability to be able to listen to yourself and really live like your true version of what you want in life. And be really honest and real with that. Um, and to be able to feel confident and happy within yourself, um, that is going to go up and down, you know, or you know, just saying that we're human and we go through different challenges. But I think the more that you can listen to you and be truly you, that success don't get caught up in someone else's ideals, uh, because that will just drive comparison and in ended up getting really stuck and then feel real, incredibly lost. And I think just like almost brain dead because you're trying, you're trying to think it all out all the time. So the more you can just take that, you know, being silenced, being piece and actually listen to what's rives might not come straight away, but it's a good way to practice. And I think that's, that's how I have felt the most successful in my life. There's three that, yeah, love that. So going into a more challenging question, what's the worst thing that has ever happened to you and how is that the best thing that has ever happened to you? I think it has to be my depression that, you know, at the time it was, it was just so, so horrible and so deep and um, just didn't feel like there was a way out. And my poor partner, I think I really gave him a scare at some times and you just feel constantly trapped, but then you also feel like you're trapping other people too. But it's what's led me to where I am today. I don't think if I had gone into that deep depression, what I have realized how much I needed to change my life around and change the way I was thinking and uh, and just really work on myself. And ultimately that's led to obviously a career I'm really passionate about. Um, and even, you know, it's funny, I was thinking about how in high school I was really interested in psychology, but I felt like I really had to do all these other subjects because at the time I wanted to be a physiotherapist, so I'd put psychology to the side. But now I'm looking into further, um, you know, further study and further research that's very psychology based. Yeah. And it's almost like that depression was like a really big hit in the face and being like, you know, this isn't working and it's really, you know, naturally just guided me to where I am today. So it's the best thing ever. And I realize as I say, that, that a lot of people go through different challenges that might not always seem that great in a long time. And I've very respectful towards that. But I do also see a lot of friends who are facing challenges beyond what I could have ever experienced. And they've really turned that around to be, you know, fighters for change in fighters for goods. And so, um, as much as it's horrible that these experiences happen, you know, I guess you can always start to see how can you, how can you use those experiences to have a positive impact, even if in that moment it just seems, you know, unbelievable. Yeah. I think it's a key point because we're not comparing how, what level of extremity this was. Everyone's going to be so different at different stories. So it's like, yes, that, that's your story. Own that. And now even if your, um, so for someone that's listening and if you're still, let's say still even at the start of your journey or still in your journey of maybe it's depression, maybe it's something else that's okay. Yeah, that's completely yours and don't, I just don't look at people for inspiration but don't look at them to be like, oh, I should be there. Or like, or they didn't go through this or any or something like that because yours is just going to be completely different. And unfortunately, you know, if we're looking at deeper world issues, like you know, people who are facing discrimination based on color and race and ethnicity, it's, you know, that's there you're facing your own challenges and your own frustrations once that I can't personally haven't witnessed. So therefore I think, you know, everyone's starting from their own place and yeah, just don't be hard on yourself. It's for feeling like you are not somewhere that you're meant to be. You're completely not. Yeah. You're on your own journey. What is the best advice you've ever been given? I was thinking about this on the car ride here. Um, it was actually something that my boyfriend said recently to me. It's just, I don't know, it just came straight to my head while I was worrying about saying something to a friend about how maybe she may perceivewhat I do as a coach? Is it the guests do I have, um, sometimes people in my life who I worry who judge what I do. Uh, and he was just like, you know, instead of worrying about it, why don't you just talk about it or just be yourself. And then if something comes through that, then you can go from there and be like, you know, this person meant to be in my life anymore or move on. And I was like, you know, it's so true. Like instead of sitting there and worrying about what could happen and what might happen, and we do this in so many different ways, just start, just, just be honest, because often what we think the worst possibility is going to be isn't that like our mind is very, very clever of building up worst case scenario in which didn't happen and never in usually like never does actually happen. Um, and I think, and that's why I find interesting when people are like, oh, I can't build positive visualizations. Like if your mind bills with negative visualizations every day, it can put the positive ones too. But yeah, I think just reflecting on that, it's like, don't try to overthink the situation. Um, and instead just give things a go or um, be that real person of you because often you, in Mike Scenario, I found that people have reached out to me that I didn't even think would be interested in my work. So if you're ever worried about what someone may think about you, um, just put it to the side and do what it is you want to do because often you'll give permission for other people to be themselves. So yeah, it's a bit of a roundabout. Yeah, that's good. Yeah. You need to go on the journey with it. So what advice would you give your 16 year old self? I just stopped caring about what other people think and to really love yourself. I'm just looking at my passions and what made me happy in how I've rejected them and really put myself down a lot for being different. Um, and I just think for what purpose? So it just say to her like, please, just love yourself and just record and just do, do you, because that is going to give you so much more happiness than what you ever think that ideal body or that friendship group or you know, pleasing your parents could ever, you know. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. How do you think people can become more fulfilled in life? I think it's kind of, it relates back to the, what I answered for successful. I think it's really about listening to yourself. There's, I think even within, you know, the, the wellness industry, um, there's so much, everyone has a piece of advice which is really cracked, which is fantastic as a lot of advice that's done one moment and there's a lot of different products. Um, and that's, that's amazing to think about how big the industry has expanded, but it can easily feel overwhelmed as well again, and obviously that's just one part of life. So I think the more you can learn to listen to yourself, the more you can determine what's right for you and go from there. So that's where I think fulfillment lies. Yeah. What's a big problem that you think needs to be talked about more in society? I think I touched on it slightly before one of my answers, but that's my brother over the classic assign someone wave and I'm going what is that? But just your brother. Yeah, another stalker. Just a fair, well earlier this year I went to Bali and I got the chance to meet, like make a really wonderful friend. They're called Christie and um, we kind of delved into the world. She had worked as a social worker working with women from refugee backgrounds. Um, I form a fashion label from found was not for profit that worked with women from refugee backgrounds. So we really, um, I guess got into a very deep discussion around women's empowerment and feminism and in particular, I guess around white privilege and women of color. And I think that that combination with wellness I think needs to be further discussed and hit something I'm delving more into now. And it's not, I don't think to make people feel bad again, I guess like comparing experiences or anything. But I think there's a way that we can, you know, she, her work is all about mind port activism and I think there's a way that we can start to bring those two different areas together because as you know, she quite talk about how we've got, you know, people who work in one industry who are very much in a victim mindset. And then maybe sometimes in the wellness industry we can be a little bit too, well, it's just, you know, as it like, it's just what you think like in and deny other experiences. So I really feel there's a way that we can start to bring those together. Um, and not feel like wellness is just a thing that people have privileged can experience. Um, and it felt it can be more accessible and not, yeah, not you can afford a coach then you'll get better. Exactly. Yeah. And I think I'm very aware that in my work, and obviously to be able to do my work, I need to be able to make a living as well. But I'm always thinking, and I being passionate about ethical, sustainable fashion as well with my label, I was always thinking about how can I make ways that people can adopt this into their life but also supports something they truly believe in. So I think that's what I think needs to be discussed further is how can we bring these two worlds together? And I'm definitely still learning about it, but um, yeah, it really passionate about it. Awesome. If this was the last time you see me and I asked you to teach me something tangible that I can use in my life every day to improve my life, what would you teach me? I think it has to be affirmations. There might be something that people had already heard about, but you can just, it's as I said, like it's always accessible to you because it's your voice or it's in your mind. So whether you, even if you don't have a journal and pen that you can do, then we can say them out loud in the mirror. Or I just love seeing them in the car and saying them in repeat. Because when you're in the car, you're not doing anything. So why not make that time or hey, I used to ride my bike most places so to say them when you're riding your bike. So if you can find a statement, um, that really rings true to you. If anyone listening, I think I'm enough. Um, I prove myself. I think that's a really big one. A lot of people looking for approval from others. Um, and I love and accept myself. Uh, and then also like clarity and harmony are within me. I am safe and I flow through life with ease. I think there's some of my real favorites because particularly if anyone's experienced anxiety or stress or low self esteem is quite often that we feel like we're all over the place or were not safe in where we are. And obviously safety means different things for other people. But when it comes to anxiety and stress, quite often we feel on this like we are not safe. But the reality is if it's just anxiety and stress, we usually are in a safe situation and just need to come back into that flow of life as we were talking about before. So yeah, affirmation, it's 100%. Repeat them all the time. As much as you can put them on your phone for reminders. That's my favorite thing to do. So I'm sure there's apps out there too that'll send you surely are, I think Gabrielle Bernstein has one. Yeah, just thought of it now and I look at it every day. Um, so I think it's, it might be Louis Louis, Louise Hay's product, but it's from high house. So yeah, it's a calendar. It's like that big, so people can't see that. But like 15 by 15 sits on my desk and it's got every day of the year. So each day you take one off. It's just like a little

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peel, like a notepad thing and it'll have each day and it have a different affirmation for each day and the date, the day, and a different affirmation. Um, and I post that in the conscious collective group and just heavy, heavy Monday fair. And it's just an affirmation. So simple as something like that. And obviously there's more than you can be doing, but there's lots of products and apps and tools out there that can help you with getting the affirmations that serve you best. Exactly. And do repeating them. And it's even as simple as like, you know, if you were struggling to find that app to begin with, you know, don't denied of taking that step altogether because you can't find the APP or tool. That's right. Like just use your own calendar and voided in there to begin with. He's a really easy, easy step that I started with when I was working with my coach is typing youtube, um, empowering affirmations before bedtime or wait a minute, there's like, there's heaps. But the one I listened to is like 20 minutes and it's a guy, okay women, you can probably find a woman. But the guy just going through so many empowering I am affirmations and I was doing that, listening to that while I was brushing my teeth while I was doing my hair, while I was getting changed, going through my whole morning routine. It's a big part of my daily life now. And I guess for me it's also been a big part of why I'm in the flow that I'm in, why I've got this, the state that I'm in, um, and the optimism that I've got and the bullet. Yeah, I agree. And there's actually quite a good free meditation resource on Youtube Could Boho and beautiful and she, in her meditations, you're just repeating a positive affirmation, but she guides you through it. And I think that's a great way. And even a product that created this year and I'm hoping to resurrect next year was very similar thing. It's like I wanted to create a morning routine that actually fit into people's lives. Um, and part of it was just an audio of me saying affirmations and you repeating it after me and you couldn't listen to it when you're in the car or in the shower or whatever because it really is that simple of repetition. Um, and as you said, like just listening to an audio like that, you know, and you've got it on loud, he can't ignore it. It's right there. That's great. And it's such a, like if you're driving such an powerful thing instead of listening to music, again, that's another part. When you were saying what goes in music, there's people saying things in music and some music, some or a lot that's on the radio is not empowering what they're saying. So when you really listen to the lyrics, you're like, oh, what is this I my music? Ah, look, I've got music. But it's mostly just beats to be honest and vulnerable as well. But podcasts, it's all people in that, that I resonate with that I align with. But that could be a whole nother conversation. But I'm excited for that. Let me know when that happens and let us know in the group. Yeah, we'll do, how can I find my purpose? I'm going to be a broken record, but I think it's starting to listen to yourself and also take the pressure off of like to find your purpose.

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Cause I think there's a lot of, it's like a really big focus and I know people can often feel quite lost if they don't feel like they have a direction. But I really think it's just about delving into different passions and different ways. Like I'm on my poor boyfriend, he must be like, oh I think I'm all over the place because one may not be like I'm going to be an artist. I'm like, no, I'm going to go back and start another fashion label. No, I'm going to like go study psychology so that you know what I always do is when I have those initial gut reactions and that intuition, I would just start googling and researching it and do it in a way that I can embrace it, embrace it freely without having to invest a whole lot of money. And I think that's a great way to just say get a taste. And often what you'll find is even if that wasn't the answer you, if you use it in some way later on, so just follow whatever tiny little interest you have. It could be a Spec, it could be just like I love cooking and just start cooking different recipes and see does that really bring you joy and would you want to make money off that? Or is that actually just a hobby? Like I love something you enjoy. Exactly. I, I love styling. Like I love putting, I could spend hours, it's putting outfits together for myself, but do I really want to style the people properly? I'm happy to go shopping with my friends, but probably not because they very much had my own style. At the end of the day I'll probably just be like, oh yeah, you should wear what I'm wearing. So, um, yeah, I think just having that just dove into little passions and I think just googling and research and youtube is a great way to get a little bit of a touch for what you're interested in. And then you can just, yeah. Again, listening to yourself after that and feeling what's actually right, not getting caught up in like, oh, this person did this and they earn this much money so I can do this. I, yeah. And more listening to, or this person is like a high charging coach or you know, whatever. Then just coming back to what brings right to you and your values and yeah, I think that's a good place to start. The, the amazing thing is, is that you can make money doing almost anything passionate about. So we live in a very good ear for that, especially with technology. What is most meaningful to you in life right now? I think my relationship with myself, um, and the relationships I have with other people, they have really noticed this year how much those relationships have the impact on my life. And I'm really lucky to be in a really beautiful relationship with my partner to that is always incredibly meaningful to me. But it always comes back to how am I treating myself. Um, and I think when the more you can love yourself, the more you can stand up and support yourself and do what's right for you. And so it's really meaningful, really meaningful for me that I have been in a situation where I've been able to really grow that relationship with myself and just really grateful for the opportunities I've had to be able to do that. Um, and being a much happiest state. I would never imagine 16 year old Hannah would never imagine sitting here today. So, you know, just being really grateful for that, it's fantastic. I love that. What impact do you want to have on people? The community in the world? This is the big dream. Um, but ultimately I just, I really want to rise women up. I really want women to just real truly realize how fucking amazing they are because I think there are just so many messages that I received every single day telling them that they're not good enough or that they should be a certain way. Whether it's like, oh, you should be a home. No, you should be working. Um, you should look like this. I mean appearances acute one or you shouldn't be bossy or you shouldn't be loud or, or you should be soft or you know, this. Um, and it can be quite contradictory. And as I was saying before, I know that men or transgender people as well would experience this too. So, um, but with my being a woman myself, I just understand that on a very deep level. Um, so I've been more and more um, and doing further study next year into hypnotherapy and to NLP coaching and I really want to understand as much as possible how the subconscious mind works and how I can quickly help people to transform that subconscious mind and start feeling empowered in themselves and being able to create a platform that's quite accessible so that I can still do the work that I love, that people of different socio economic backgrounds can still access to it and start to feel empowered and confident within themselves. Because I think when you believe in who you are and you love who you are and you've got that support of mindset backing yourself, you can really start to make headway in your own life, then you're not going to end up in that shitty relationship because you don't feel like you're good enough for anything else. Or you might take that risk to actually go for a job that you really love him. You know, it actually feels so much more fulfilled than you ever thought of before. Or, um, I would just taking even that simple step of just looking after yourself with food or something like that. And I think it all starts with whether you believe that you're worth it. So really the greater work is, yeah. Hopefully in the next year. And being able to support people further with their subconscious mind so that women can really just not feel trapped anymore by society or by their own pressures. Yeah. For free themselves. It's important to mention, and I know this completely, um, is that you're not saying like men and transgender, they don't matter. I'm just focusing on women. It's your focus. Yes, everyone is important is enough. Your focus is on will. Yes. That's for now. Exactly your area of expertise that have to focus on and that's ane like, as I said, I would love to, but I think it's the people we're meant to do what they're meant to do. It had their focus and I have no doubt there are men and women out there who are meant to work with transgender people. And then like, you know, I have, you know, and that's their core and their focus, but I can't help it. I'm a raging feminist in any ways and um, and that spoke complete gender equality. It's not bringing men down at all, but I think you're meant to go into where your passion is just like you are in your passion. Because when you're in your passion, being able to do the truth, the true version of your work. But if you get caught up and feeling like, oh no, should we doing this, this and this, then you can find yourself. I'm too spread out and trying to please everyone when the fact is is that everyone has a passion. Everyone has a purpose and there is someone who would do it way better than me, um, in a, you know, with their own topics and with the own target target people that they work with and to why, why would I take that away when that's what they're meant to do. So, yeah. Thank you for clarifying. Yeah, I try to think on a collective basis and it's like I totally get it. Like, yeah, I understood just to, um, and the cool thing is, is that like you're saying like all this, this rising of, okay, I'm going to clarify group everyone under healers and, but people bringing light to all these subjects and conversations is that there is a lot of things happening. So there's a lot of women's empowerment, there's a lot of men's empowerment popping up. There's the project, there's innovative tricks, there's a heap of other, like there's a lot of podcast guests and this is why I choose very consciously that people that I want on the podcast because they're all messages that are going to uplift the collective has that whole, so yeah, there's so much goodness happening right now. Yeah, exactly. There's so many people who are just in their element and are doing what they meant to do. I sort of privilege of saying, um, uh, the CEO of thank you speak, um, Daniel Flynn and that was incredible. And to know what he is doing exactly what he's meant to be doing. Um, and obviously the work he's doing is quite transformational. And so, you know, I would, why would I ever, that's not my natural passion that, you know, he is, he's where exactly where it needs to be. And when you add there, that's when you have the most impact. Um, he could be thinking, I'm sure about all these other different areas, but he's really focused on, um, an important piece of work and, and now he's, I would have the most impact through being focused on that. So. Yeah. Totally agree. What does it mean to be conscious? To me, again, it's about listening to yourself. I'm sorry, I'm just so big about it. Listen to yourself and taking that time to be aware, um, and really sinking as to what is right for you. But I think to me, conscious living goes beyond just ourselves, but also seeing how we can continue to have a positive impact in the world as well. So, um, I'm quite big on the environment, um, and obviously, um, social and cultural challenges within the world. So I think, you know, don't get overwhelmed by it though. Just think, you know, like, Oh, I'm, I'm passionate

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about this. And uh, like I know one friend was getting overwhelmed by ethical clothing and I was like, just don't think about it all. Just think maybe I'm going to buy less or I'm going to only support these brands or I'm going to buy second hand. And so I think conscious living is as much about living, listening to yourself and then also seeing how you can continue to have a positive impact in the world, in your own writing, in your own steps. And always, again, coming back to what's right to you and what aligns with you listening to yourself. And again, anyway, guess what the title of this podcast is globally. I think listening to yourself, anything else you'd like to share with the listeners? Well, if you would like to connect, um, can follow me on Instagram. Hannah, Kate turn, Hannah mutton was taken, so most middle name is in there. Uh, Kate with a k a t e. Uh, my website new one has all, sorry to hit you flipped her leg. Then my website is coming out in early January, so I'm excited to reconnect there, but I'm offering still my coaching services are all still running. Um, it's just me trying to do it all and doing my website myself. So it's taken some time again, but uh, yeah, please feel free to connect. Um, even if you just want to ask questions or you just want to meet for a coffee or a casual Scott, like I love having conversations with people and um, just being able to be there for them. So yeah, if you're interested in more, please feel free to reach out. Always happy to chat. Awesome. All those links will be in the show notes as well. So do you want to contact? It's all gonna be there. Do you have a Facebook page as well? I do, yes. We'll take it. We'll be there. Excellent. Um, we're really like to wrap everything up. Like I want to acknowledge you for the amazing human you are and from being so open and honest and real and vulnerable about your story. Um, you do release a lot of that on Instagram. So I do highly recommend and suggest following Hannah are on there and reading the captions because it is a lot of light, light and the value in there and yeah, for taking the time to sit with me, obviously we're complete strangers, not after now and, and to share this because I think it's amazing what you're doing and obviously seen that in your posts and to be able to do that and being in your light is something special and it's impacting and inspiring so many women. And I love that. And I want to say thank you so much for doing that. Thank you. That's, those words are really kind for you to say, but I'm accepting that compliment everything I can. So thank you very much and thank you for the opportunity for everyone listening. This literally got teed up in under 24 hours. It was very much meant to be and I'm really excited to be here because actually my first podcast, it's great. It was same for Carly yesterday as well. Newbies. It was good. It was amazing. Again, everyone, I'm make sure you go and like share and subscribe. There's all links to everything in the Instagram bio and on Facebook as well. So if you want to get any links to anything, go there. Um, reach out to Hannah and myself. Say what value you really got from this. Um, anything that resonated well we will respond. We love getting feedback and talking to people and yeah, can't wait to catch up again and talk about some more conscious competence, conscious topics and more conscious conversations. All right guys, take care. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen in on their conversation. Hopefully you got some insights and values to raise your wings. If you like the podcast, please like and share on social media and leave a review on whatever platform. I would really appreciate it. You can also keep up to date on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Both handles are acts to conscious podcast and also my personal account, which is at Carlow underscore Cirilo. Until next time, take care and be nice.