The Conscious Podcast

#37 - Owen Hone on Self Responsibility, Gratitude & Being the Real Authentic You.

Carlo Cirillo Season 1 Episode 37

On this episode I shared a conscious conversation with my good friend and legend of a guy, Owen Hone. 

Owen is the Founder & Head Coach at Authentic Creation, Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach.

We got stuck into some real topics including Rewiring your blueprint, the power of being who you really are and how that effects your life, controlling your reactions, being the real authentic you, fulfilment instead of force, self responsibility, growing in order to give, gratitude and so much more! 

Owen has such a good energy about him and I loved how open and honest he is about his journey on how he got to where he is today. So much wisdom to learn from and lessons to use along our journey’s.
 If you have ever felt like you weren’t being true to yourself and being the real authentic you, then I highly recommend listening to this episode. 

I really enjoyed this and I hope you do too! 


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Speaker 1:

Hi everyone. I'm my own home and your listening to the conscious podcasts.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the conscious pod. My name is Carlos to reload and this is your place to cultivate wisdom, awareness, life insights to raise your ba and become more conscious in your daily life.

Speaker 1:

How are you conscious fam. Welcome to the 37th episode of the conscious podcast. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to listen to this. It honestly means so much to me and to be at 37 episodes is just incredible. It's been such a big journey starting this in in January, 2018 and now being at the end of December and how far this podcast, this community, this um, awareness has grown is just unreal. And I'm so grateful that you are listening, that you are sharing and that you're enjoying everything that is the conscious podcasts and the conscious collective. So thank you so much. On this episode I shared a conscious conversation with my good friend and legend of a Guy Owen hone. Owen is the founder and head coach at authentic creation, personal trainer and nutrition coach. We got stuck into some real topics including rewiring your blueprint, the power of being who you really are and how that affects your life, controlling your reactions, being the real authentic you fulfillment instead of force, self responsibility growing in order to give gratitude and so much more. Owen has such a good energy about him and I loved how open and honesty was about his journey and how he got to where he is today. So much wisdom to learn from and lessons to use along our journeys. If you have ever felt like you weren't being true to yourself and being the real authentic you, then I highly recommend listening to this episode. I really enjoyed this and I hope you do too. Before we kick it off, we have a review of the week from our podcast app that this lovely human has left and there's been so many come through which I'm, my heart is so full, so review of the week is page Dilulio. I've recently started listening to podcasts and this is amazing and even that is a huge understatement. This podcast is for people who wish to grow their mind, learn and who wants to start living consciously. It is something that everyone needs to be listening to and every single person can take value from. Each podcast has valuable lessons, new ways of thinking, new ideas, new ways to better yourself. And it really makes you question yourself and question how you live your life, how to be at peace, live more consciously, be in the present moment. And lastly, listening to other people's stories, insights, and life lessons is truly inspiring, motivating, and uplifting with a whole heap of emojis at the end. So thank you page and thank you to everyone else that is sharing this podcast on their social media that are leaving ratings and reviews. It helps me so much because it boosts me, uh, in the rankings and it gets us out there to more people. So if you do want to leave a review, if you are enjoying these, of course, uh, just scroll down on your, your APP that you're listening on. If you're on the apple APP, just click on the conscious podcast, scroll to the bottom. And there's a way you can leave a five star review a rating and then leave a review in a comment as well, which would be muchly appreciated.

Speaker 3:

Oh, and my man, how are you? Good to see you man. And a good to see you in Bendigo again. We'll just discussing before, it's twice in a month. And I took us two years to actually actually officially meet each other and then here we are and now it's just happening. And then I'll see you in fib at the conscious retreat. Yes. Mega excited. Right. We're aligning. It's the right time. Two years ago, it wasn't the right time. Exactly right. What, uh, what do you been up to today? Uh, my wife and I are just moving, moving home. So we've just built a new place about a three minute walk around the corner. So building flat packs. Yeah. Which is mega exciting. Uh, and I've already made a few mistakes in that. So we did that last night, caught up with the fam and now we're just moving a bit of a bit of stuff across and getting ready to move in in the new year. So awesome. Brand new house, brand new home and first first home for my wife too. So she's so excited. She's decked out all the colors, all the decorations, bought a whole bunch of new stuff. And yeah, it's, it's, it's an exciting time. And although we love the place we're in now where we're looking forward to, to doing something and the few more extra rooms for when we have kids down the track too, which is super exciting. Awesome. And it's like you get to control all aspects of it because you built it. This is made how I, how we wanted to write and that's what Mckayla is so excited about it. And Meg are excited about cause renting, you've got like that limited, you can bring stuff to it but you can't have exactly what you want. You can't put stuff on the walls. Yeah. You can't kind of, you know, customize it in the way. And like we've got a massive study with a huge bookshelf that we've got all our favorite books in there and stuff like that. So it's cool. Can't wait to visit in a, in a month when it's ready. And you said you got extra rooms, so I'll keep that in mind, but I'm living in the van so it doesn't matter. I can pocket the front. Uh, what are you most excited about in life right now? I'm just excited about, I think life in general. I've, I started my business with authentic creation, uh, about six months ago and we're getting ready to launch our first program in, uh, early, early next year. But just in general, I've had a, I'll just reflect reflecting this morning actually about the amount of growth that I've had this year and just excited about how far I've come and what to, what's coming next. And I think I've kind of broken through a whole bunch of things this year and as I know for yourself as well, and we're doing some big things, but I think 2019 is going to be the biggest year yet. And I know a lot of people are like, you know, I get into it to the end of the year and you know, sometimes we forget all the awesome things that have happened, but I'm just excited about what has happened this year and I'm so grateful for that. But then also, you know what we're going to be able to create in 2019 it's going to be huge. It's going to be huge, massive, like the plane's already when of relates to much, but exciting state. You're very exciting. So we've known each other, man, we met, you were in Canada yet. How do we get put onto each other? I think we were both running Facebook pages, just putting, you know, good vibes out there. And I think I reached out to you saying, hey man, you know, we should connect super random and super animal so that we've kept in contact ever since two, two and a half years later. Never met. And then as you said, we've just recently, you know, connected. I have a last months, so super random and it was you or one of the first couple of clients that I had through my gratitude mastermind. And so we'll in touch every day for 30 days going through that. And Yeah, we kept in touch ever since. I think the vibe was right connected and everything was like, yeah, I like this dude. I'm gonna need to keep in contact with him. And now we're starting to do a lot. If you're in the conscious collective on Facebook, you'll see we're joining it. We've joined together on a few Facebook lives. I one's always uploading some awesome content and value and um, if you want to know any more information about that, click on the link in the Instagram bio and you can apply to be in that group. But for myself and a lot of the listeners that don't know you, what's a wrap up of your life from start until now and everything you're doing now? Yeah, it's quite interesting because I've been doing more and more over the last 12, 18 months. Uh, you know, in sharing my story and actually thinking about a little bit, I think, you know, I think back and I started out life being a really shy and anxious kid with just no confidence and you know, I think dad was around a lot then he wasn't around a lot and then my bro was born, uh, and I had all of a sudden I had no attention from my parents and, and that just made me really, really insecure, really insecure. And I just remember for most of my young childhood, and then, you know, even in my teens as well, just being really, really shy and, and just struggled at law is one way to put it. And I just had a lot of pain. Always was, was trying to impress people, trying to, you know, why, how can I get people to like me? Essentially, that was my story. And, and, and, and over the years, I guess I, that created so much pain inside of me that I just want it to do something about it, period. I just want it to be more happy. I just wanted to, to feel better about myself and be confident because I just hated the officer and I just highlighted the officer and uh, and I guess I got it. I fell in the, to into the trap that a lot of us fall into that maybe when I become something great, maybe when I go and achieve something awesome. I tried to do it through sport. I tried to do it in my work. I tried to do it everything. How can I be the best, how can I be the best? And you know, I might have fleeting moments of feeling good about myself if someone gave me a compliment or if I chase selling. But straightaway, two seconds later I was, there was always feeling like there was something missing. And I don't know if you can align with the that something wasn't right and I fell into that trap of Efl, I get this, then I'll be happy if I do this, then I'll be able to feel confident in myself. And it wasn't til probably three, four years ago when I attended my first Tony Robbins event and started to find his stuff that I discovered that I had it all the way around the wrong way. Yeah, I'll just trying to get the external to feel the internal. And then I discovered that it wasn't that I had to get something, it was that I had to find out how to rewire my blueprint, my, the why. They're always saying the world, my beliefs, my values, my rules for how life should be. And instead of trying to get something to feel something, I, I discovered how to feel what I wanted to feel out front so that then I could actually go and correct and the, and, and again, I was reflecting this morning since I made that realization and, and started to put that stuff in a practice like my life has just exploded. I've started to get all the things that I've wanted to get. Like I just, I've increased my income by about 30 k this year. I had like three promote promotions in the last 12 months. I started my first business. I got my dream car and that's not the cool thing. The cool thing is that I've been able to feel happy and confident in who I am and show up as the best version of me and, and actually feel good regardless of where I was at. And these things have just come, you know, obviously through hard work. But yeah, almost like synchronicities, if that's the right word, stuff has started to open up, you know, doing some more stuff with you, just connecting with people. And so my, my journey has been about really feeling terrible, terrible about myself and, and not knowing how to feel good to overcoming that too. Now, you know, with my business, authentic creation, trying to share that with others and help help other people overcome the stuff that I have overcome over a long period of time. Yeah. Awesome. So what stands out for me in that is really that, and you did touch on it extra there as well was you had the realization of it's not get the external things then you feel the internal things. It's field, get the internal things, feel the internal things, be in the right state, be fit for service, and then you bring those things into you. They just naturally come to you because you're the best being best version of yourself. And even when you said you took that, you said you were like, I did the work, I did the hard work. It's taking that right aligned, inspired action as well. It's not just sitting there going, I want all those things. Why aren't they coming to me? Law of attraction. You took the action as well to work on yourself, to bring in everything you wanted and I think it's not a matter of, yes, you have to create those feelings out front, but that's just to make it easier, you know? Instead of it being a slug all the time and judging yourself as to why you're not where you should be or further along or feeling crap and not finding it really difficult to show up. Yeah, just the, it just becomes easier because you're enjoying yourself. You're appreciating where you're at, where you've been, and you're also pushing forward away. You've got to go. It just, I guess it is, it's fulfillment instead of force. It's like that Paul Energy, you being pulled towards towards where you want to go instead of just sheer force. Because I found she forced, caused me to give up so many times. Yeah. Whereas now I've had some roadblocks and I'm able to keep going because I know that I'm in a good place, whereas the amount of times I just gave up because it got too hard was, was ridiculous. So I think that's probably the biggest realization I've had through being able to change how I feel internally first as opposed to trying to get the external. Yeah. And I think a lot of the problem in society is that it's those external things that are put so far on a pedestal that like you said, once you get these things, you'll be happy. Mm hmm. And that's, uh, you know, marketing in every way, shape or form just creates that, you know. Thank you. I still remember at eight months ago, I was on the plane and like 15 times there was this ad with Chris Hemsworth using, uh, some kind of Cologne. And I'm like, man, I just want that Cologne just subconsciously, I'm just like, you know, if I have that, then I'll be like him. And I bought the globe. So it works for, the problem is that that comes into our life where we were legit. Think that we have to have other things to feel good and it's just conditioning. And I think that, you know, the conscious collective, the conscious podcast is that awareness and allows us to step in. But yeah. Interesting. That could be a whole nother podcast about marketing. And that's the little messages, messages yet what is actually, no, what would you say? You're living your purpose really interesting. 12 months ago I would've said no. And for so long I asked that question, what the Hell is my purpose? What is about everyone's like, live your passion, live your purpose. And I'm like, oh, I want one of those. What do I buy it? Where do I get one of those? And, uh, I had no idea. I had no idea and I don't know where I came across it. I think it was um, maybe master mass and keep, I don't know if you've ever seen any of his stuff, but I realized that all of the pain and the stuff that I went through, although at the time I was like, why is this happening? Why can I break through? Why is this so hard? I realized that our purpose for anyone think is to grow in order to give. So whatever we can we go through. Like everyone goes through different stuff, everyone goes through different stuff and you might, you might have had some really, really tough experiences. Like my life hasn't been that bad. Like I'm thankful for that but we all go through tough stuff and we all have to eventually find a way to overcome that. So for me, purpose is sharing how I've overcome what I've overcome from being shy and anxious and having no confidence at all and, and not knowing what the hell is going on and always needing to be liked to being able to step into my authentic self. And I think my purpose is growing and expanding, but it's how can I help other people experience what I've experienced in and become more alive than I've ever been through just being me. And I think that's why I was so attracted to you two, two and a half years ago was you're just super authentic and that realness is just powerful. And I want to give other people that gift because there is no, there was nothing else that gives you the alive liveliness and the fulfillment than being you. And for me that was a challenge. And I think for a lot of us in this day and age, again, comparing us, you know, comparing yourself in social media, it's everyone else. Comparison is the thief of joy. We all feel like crap trying to fit into everyone else's mold. So I know it's a long, long way to answer, but I think my purpose is helping other people discover how to be who they are already inside and just without that blockage, without that front, it's stopping them from, from showing it. It's a, it's a crazy conversation because

Speaker 1:

I even had the conversation yesterday with one of my best friends where it was like, you know, as humans, where were people that we want to be around people, you know, we can be introverted as well and have our own space and that's fine. But when we're with people, are we are authentic self or are we being someone else? And then when we go back to being by ourselves, whereas ourself, so you'd know this from having a wife and having a relationship for so long that if you can be comfortable around them, you're your authentic self. It's going to, they know who you are. If you're being someone different and not being your authentic self, then you get to have those feelings of I'm not myself, I'm being someone else and it's doesn't feel true to me. Therefore you won't get those feelings, those good feelings of fulfillment and happiness and all that because you're trying to be something else. For some reason, it could be society, it could be a partner, could be, but how good is it to be yourself and to have people love and accept you as you are. You don't have to, you don't have to try and be something else

Speaker 3:

and it's a, it's Inco incongruency when you're not being you. There's just a tenseness is be theirs. You think that you're going to be able to do what you need to do to be able to fit in, but the, the reality is it couldn't be further from the truth. Yeah. We show up and we just try and say what people think that we should say we, we try and act in a certain way, but the reality is we just can't. You can't keep it up. It's exhausting. You feel like crap and reality is people just think that you know. People think you're nice, but no one really loves you and no one, you know, really vibes with what you're doing. Especially in business too. I've found the only way to create connection with people is to be your polarizing real self and just say what you need to say, be you. And that's what attracts your tribe. That's what attracts people. That, because people want to want to be, you know, are attracted to people who are like them in reality. And if some people don't like it, that's cool. I set my own standards. You set your own standards. I'm sure some people see what we're doing and be like, who the hell is this guy? But then the people, there's other people that we get messages from and just vibe with this completely. And that's why I think we get on so well as well because we're just being real and we, you know, we get on with each other for that reason. So it's just, there's no other way to be. But if I had to tell myself that even five, six, seven years ago, it's, it's harder, easier said than done. Easier said than done. But the, the best and most valuable work you can ever do, your vibe attracts your tribe. Hmm. I probably stole that from you, but we're sharing quotes. Okay. Uh, what is success to you?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I think just bang you as simple as that is legit, just being your whatever that is. Being able to say clearly what it is that you want, go after what you want. Being a good person, you know, giving to others without any expectation of return and all it made. I've, uh, I had to force myself to do that. I was a generally a pretty selfish person, but we, and it's also partly selfish as well because how do you feel when you do good to other people? You feel pretty good. So it's a, it's a win, win situation, but success to me is just being who you really are. Because at the end of the day, that is going to mean that you're going to be kind of other people because we are kind of hard. It's going to mean that we're doing something that fulfills us. It means that we're going to be real and true to ourselves and that's fulfilling. And that's happiness. And that is ultimately success at the end of the day. And yes, they can be success materially that can be success through goals. But ultimate success for me is that because that is, that is unlocked, uh, feelings that I never knew were possible and passion that I never knew was possible and just so many opportunities. So that's success in my eyes at least. Yeah, how can, how can someone says if someone's listening right now and they're, they're thinking, okay, I haven't been my, my real self, I don't feel like I'm being my real self. How can they flip that? I think it starts with realizing that we matter and that by showing up as our, as our best self were able to add so much value to the world and probably the best, best place to start is just to realize that you are perfectly imperfectly perfect. This is why. And that's the best place to start because for me, when I look back now not being or setting, you're not being your true self totally comes down to just judgment and comparison. And because we compare, we're not quite there yet. And the reality is, is that there is always, there will always be someone that's better than you in some way, shape, or form. You know, I'd do it. Obviously my gig right now is, is weight loss and body transformation is, it doesn't matter if you lose 10 kilos and and have a 5% body fat and you'll look at the best you've ever met, ever looked, there'll be still someone that looks better. And then how much money you make. You be a millionaire. There'll be someone that's a billionaire. You can be a really calm person. There's probably someone who's doing better things than you. And when we compare, again, comparison is the thief of joy. And that just rips out any sense of, of you being able to be you because you never, Ken, you'll always never be good enough. So just that realization through practice and, and she forced sometimes that, um, so awesome. Just the way I am and I'm so grateful for who I am and how I'm, how I'm showing up. And although I may not be perfect, I love and accept myself right here right now. And it's that acceptance, which again, it's a journey, but just that shift in awareness, knowing that you don't have to achieve something that you, if you just give it time and just accept acceptance is probably the, the word I'm looking for it. Just accept that that's powerful because it connects back to what you were saying before. It's going full, full, full circle as well. So if you do need to go back, click that 32nd rewind and go back and listen to that again. Such important points in there. What are you most proud of in life? My inner transformation. The fact that I have, it took me a wall. I used to be just a really big victim, something. It was always somebody else's fault. I heard so many people and it wasn't until when I was like 15 or 16 I met a girl who just showed an interest in me who became my girlfriend and she helped me become more confident in myself, but mainly because I was getting confidence from her again, that external, she made me feel better because of her attention to me and we were together, familiar three and a half years I thought I was going to be with her forever and she was my first love. And through my selfishness and through my inability to realize what my actions did to other people, I lost her. And it wasn't until that point that I flipped the switch and I said, not another minute. We'll go by. I'm no longer going to leave my success or who I am up to anybody else. No longer am I going to make excuses. No longer am I going to continue to hurt people and then blame someone else. Like I lost my job around the same time. But it was always because he didn't give me the, he didn't support me, he didn't teach me well enough. And there was so many stories that I had around, it was everyone else's fault. But once I made that switch and I said everything is my fault, and like Gary v says, if it's raining outside, it's my fault. That just depth of level of personal responsibility. So I think I'm super proud of that because since then I've been able to say this is who I want to be and create that. And I've been able to take it upon myself to say I want my life to be better and create that. And the best thing with fee for that is, is that I've been able to share it with my wife and give her so much more of what she deserves. I've been able to show up through my business and helping other people because I've shown up and taking responsibility for who I want to be. And that's allowed me to help other people more. So I think first I had to fix, not fix cause it wasn't broken, but first I to work on myself and then that's allowed me to help other people. And that's something that I'm mega proud of because I've, I created that, I created that. And I don't say that in a way of locker. I have done anything awesome because it's not that, it's just that I'm proud that I don't make excuses and I didn't make excuses and I've made it happen. And then that's also allowing me to show up in the world in a better place and help people. Does that make sense? So he became more self responsible for your life. Yeah. Just your actions, your life, your decisions, your choices, and not let it be other people that decide that for you. And the reality is we, if you're watching, if you're listening to this or if you want to achieve anything in your life, you'll never get it through thinking that anyone else is going to give it to. Yup. Yeah. Like at the end of the day, no one's gonna give you money or give you a handout or no one's going to you, you know full well that anyone mega successful for the most part is you know, have gone through really, really tough things and they created their own shit themselves and at the end of the day nothing can hold us back. And that's the belief that we all need to adopt if we want to create some kind of greatness because if we adopt that, then the reality is nothing can hold us back because we'll always find a way, a personal responsibility. I think if I was to share to everyone listening right now or, or someone asks me, what's the biggest thing that you need to adopt? If you want to be successful in anyone's terms, that would be personal responsibility. You realize that you are where you're at right now because of the choices you've made or haven't made because of the decisions you've decided to make or haven't made. Yeah. Like it is. That is all there is to it. Because if you, it may not be your fault that you got fired from a job, but it's your responsibility to realize that you could have done better, that you could have made more calls, that you could have been more enthusiastic and in relationship. And that's been a big transformation for myself and my, my wife like been really tough because we're really, we're kind of opposite and oh well she should be more like this. You should pay more attention to me. But the reality is that's not my fault, but it's my responsibility to show up and give her what she needs so that then she can be ultimately happy and vice versa, vice versa. But I, if you take that responsibility, then it's amazing what happens because you do your part and then everything else just opens up. Yup. So it's just massive. So many good points in that thing. You get to have a lot of quotes for this one. Yes. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you and how is that the best thing that has ever happened to you? That's been really interesting question. I'm really fortunate that I, I've, I've been through pain in my life, but there's never, there hasn't been anything that's been there I would say was a horrible, horrible thing going. This been so many people that I'm sure that have gone through way, way, way worse than what I have. But I always probably come back to the pain I felt from losing my partner at the time that I just shared then it wasn't necessarily the worst thing, but I, I was just, I was depressed at the time. It was at a time, it was, it was the worst. It was the worst because I had attached to her my identity of who I was, I guess she gave me this attention and I finally was able to find someone that I was connected with that I was in love with that made me feel all those feelings. And then I lost it through my own stupidity and I can just remember like being in my bedroom just like soaking and just crying and just like not what a tough 19 year old should be doing. And, but what came of that was based of the story I just shared. Then that was the catalyst that said, hi, from this day forward, I'm on stop. No one's going to stop me. I am not going to let myself go through this pain again because I chose not to do what I needed to do and I'm own who, how I needed to be in this relationship. So not the most horrible thing in terms of what's happened to me. But that's definitely probably one of the most powerful moments that I look back at. That caused me a lot of pain that caused me to grow so much and was probably a turning point in my life.

Speaker 1:

Mm. And it goes back to what you were saying before of that responsibility, taking that responsibility because we can't change what's happened. We're gonna stuff up in life. Things are going to go wrong. You get to make mistakes. You don't want that to happen. But it happened. And I can relate from my first relationship and making all the mistakes. But it's important, like you said, and like I have as well to realize what you've done. Self responsible wasn't their fault, it was mine, and now take action to not make that happen or to put in processes or thoughts or beliefs in place so that in the future it doesn't. You don't put yourself in that situation from those choices you've made and you become more aware of what you're doing.

Speaker 3:

Become masters of learning shit the hard way. Yeah. Then there's the other side of that where people in that zone

Speaker 1:

of this struggle like, I need to be feeling down. I need to be doing this all the time, and again, I think it comes back to that self responsible, the responsibility to go, well, if I'm still in the zone and I'm always feeling this way, something's not right. Something needs to change. Whether it's getting help, whether it's doing something different, but if you keep doing that same thing and feeling the same way than what's going to change in the next three, six, 12 months.

Speaker 3:

If nothing changes, nothing. There's another[inaudible]. Seriously. So true. It's like, Nah, it's not just going to get better by chance.

Speaker 1:

It's like parents aren't going to step in and help you out. Someone look, you could meet someone on the on on the street that helps you out, but self responsibility as well. Taking that aligned action. What is the best advice you have ever been given?

Speaker 3:

Two things, cause I'm going to give you props here at number one is if you can't control the situation, control your reaction to the situation. We seem to be stuck on personal responsibility here, but the reality is is that the only thing that we can control is our thoughts and our actions. We can't control the weather. We can't control an angry customer. We can't control 99% of life and it's so easy. There's this, this changed my life. Just this awareness. You know, you get an angry customer instead of, Oh, why can't I just be satisfied with what's going on? People always liked to whinge and complain. You get caught up on you cut, you get caught up on it. It makes you feel like crap. It's a kind of stuff that ruins your day. Nothing pisses me off more than people that complain about the traffic. It's like, yeah, the traffic's always going to be busy is facility. If you're in Melbourne, you're going to get stuck behind people that drive slow oh to the traffic was bad, the twilight at work. And I was like, no, you didn't need to leave earlier. But we, it's can be really easy because there's so much stuff outside of our control that we try and control the uncontrollable, which causes stress. It causes anger and it can literally control your life. Yeah. Because we can't control pretty much everything. So that realization that if you can't control the situation, control your reaction because if the traffic is bad, you can control your response to that. Okay. That's all good. 100 I put on the conscious podcast and just chill. Just do what great advice. If had a friend I was listening, um, or if there's a, an angry, angry customer, that's cool. How can I serve this customer? How can I use this as practice to all, how can I learn from this? If the weather's bad, how can I appreciate the rain? How was this allowing me to appreciate the sun? Like you can't control what happens, but you can't control how you think about it and you can control what you do next. Even if you make a mistake, can't control. It's done. What can I do next? Controlling what you can control. It switches you from being at the mercy of the world, to you, putting you in the driver's seat where you become unstoppable. And I remember when I really fully own this, like I have a story or a belief that I will achieve anything that I ever want to achieve. Nothing can stop me because of that. I can control my reaction, my actions, and my thoughts. And because of that, nothing will ever stop me. Yeah. So that's probably the best advice because if you really lean into that, it's just so powerful. Nothing will ever drive you. You will be in the driver's seat. Yeah. Hmm. Second thing is gratitude. We're in Canada. I ugh. Do gratitudes. Do this graduate of thing. That's just the most hippest thing ever, right? Like what the hell it got it to have a gratitude journal. That was my thought at the time. But again, the reality is, is that we, we are programmed to focus on what's not right. We wake up in the morning, we're worried about what we didn't do yesterday, what we have to do today, what we're fearful of. Like, that's just how we're programmed. Like our old school, Brian, from way back when that hasn't evolved, we're just programmed to be that way. Shit's tough. Life's bad. Uh, so gratitude was just, it's rewired me, man, because when I'm stressed, it's like now what am I grateful for? Why am I grateful that this is happening? Yeah. But even just now, I think because I've done so much gratitude stuff that automatic, let me, my head's just going, what am I grateful for? And reality is if you ask that question and you feel something, you feel grateful and there's no room in our heads regardless of how big your head is for any more than one emotion. So if you're grateful, you can't be stressed. If you're grateful, you can't be fearful. If you're grateful, you can't be angry. So just that shift in learning how to be grateful for stuff, again, just gives you power and put you back in the driver's seat for you to be able to choose how you want to feel when you want to feel it, rather than being driven by fear. And the cool thing is, is that fear still comes up. Yeah, I'm fearful every day, but now I have a superpower of gratitude that is just lock most powerful principles. So simple, but hard to implement because you tell this to people and are they going to do it? Probably not met anyone listening. If you want to change your life implemented gratitude strategy. Yeah, look it up. Reaching out to us. Do it. Period. Like there's not many things in life I'd say that everyone has to do, but unless you just wake up and you just love life and nothing ever bothers you. Like Gary, he seems to reckon he does. Yeah. Then do this shit. So they might to. Yeah. And they kind of go together as well because at the same time, like you're going to feel every emotion possible where a human, that's how we're built. You're going to feel sad, upset, happy, um, stressed even. But even in those situations that you can't control, like you were saying, controlling your reactions, but then going, okay, what is this teaching

Speaker 1:

me? Why am I grateful for this happening? And, and trust me, it is so fucking hard. Sometimes you hit the car in front of you and you smashed your car. You'd not thinking, what am I grateful for right now? But what if you did instead of going, oh, my car or this or that, whatever, what am I grateful for? I'm alive. I could have been dead right now. That would be the worst case scenario.

Speaker 3:

Tell me, have you ever been grateful and flick the switch to from stressed or angry to grateful really quick. And someone said, what is wrong with you? Like maybe it was just vague. Well, I say that is because I probably sometimes now bad stuff happens and I go, go to, I feel good too quick. Yeah. And like, you should be pissed off about this. You should be angry. Why? I don't have to be like, as long as we learn from the lessons, if it's a mistake, if you do something wrong, like feel the pain of that, not to do it again, but we don't have to just feel crap about things. If you run up the back of the car, you don't have to be angry and annoyed. Yeah. Like that is a choice and it's, you know, I had it, we want to live, live,

Speaker 1:

man. This, there's so many picking one that comes to mind. I think one that stands out, she would just think you're weird. There's a lot, there's a lot to do with my nieces and nephews because they're little, they're little humans. They don't, they don't know. They're just being into instinctual and doing things that kids do. And um, my, my nephew came up, Larry and Milan, he came up and he's like, can I have one of your strawberries? And I'm like, yeah, of course you can. And I'm like, but don't put it near me because I'm wearing light shorts. Um, and I know you touch everything so you're going to get strawberry all over me and I'm the only story, I made him stand a meter away. And um, then he came back to put it in the bin as he went for it in the bin. Common like sideswiped my pants and red all over my pants put still put it in the Bin and I'm like, I just said not to do that. Like, and, but then it was like, you know, it's not the worst case scenario, just get a new pair of shorts or put them in the wash. Like really what do I, and before I used to get so wound up about those things, not, not like an angry point of view, but it'd be like, why don't you do it doesn't really listen to the kids four years old. Like even if he at one time the little one that's to my phone was on the bench, they just grabbed it, threw it like phone didn't break but I didn't see it yet. But I was like, what are you doing? But then it was like, I like I left it there. That's my responsibility. I'm grateful that the screen didn't break because if it did then that would have been worse. But I didn't even look at the phone yet. So I reacted before I'd even assess the situation. He didn't know. He probably does know like kids have their own little language, but he was just trying to get attention and that's what he did. So it ties with both of those reaction

Speaker 3:

in the gratitude as well. But I think yeah, I could go on all day so I'll stop on on those. That's so funny. What a, what advice would you give your 16 year old self? That's a really tough one because everyone used to say don't care about what everyone thinks. Just be you. And for someone that isn't being themselves. So he's a worst advice. You possibly good cause like, yeah, someone that's got anxiety. Oh yeah, that's exactly right. So do what you love. I don't know. I love, do what you love. Find your passion. Just find your badge. You'll be so late. So that's a really interesting one. I think it comes down to, again, I'd probably start with gratitude, you know, because banging in where I was when I was 16 and pink, so fearful and still anxious and wanting to be the best and all that kind of stuff, it was all, again, just comparison. It was all I was thinking that I needed that to feel good. I was thinking that I needed to be the best to, to feel love or connection or happiness. So I start with, start with gratitude because then you can appreciate who you are and what you already have. And if I had to started this, then that would have just shifted me in so many ways because 100% where I was at was totally because I was focusing on the wrong stuff. Gratitude shifts what you're focusing on, what you focus on, you feel. Yeah. So it would have started there. And then again, just the whole acceptance thing, like practice, just accepting how you are and showing up and decide, okay, this is who I want to be and accept. Some people will love you. Some people will hate you. Some people want kit. Mm hmm. And realize that regardless of who you are, regardless, even David Beckham has people that don't like it. Exactly. Oh, maybe it doesn't. But when you dive back and I'm like, sure, that'd be so much. But it's so true. And that's a, you will always have someone, even if you tried to be nice to everyone, someone will still side. That goes too nice. He's just a Fike. So you're going to, that's really good. One, someone's like, people are going to hate you regardless. People are going to dislike you. Oh, one's hard truth. People are not going to bog with who you are regardless of how you're showing up. Exactly. You might as well show up as you. Yep. And then that way you can be consistently that way. You won't have to force it. It'll just be you. You'll find some amazing people that you'll connect with. You'll be happier than you've ever been. You want to attract people that aren't like you, which is good anyway. Yeah. You're not going to check people that bring pain into your life and just practice that. So self love and acceptance and gratitude because it's all about rewiring your focus and your perspective on how things should be. And if I hadn't done that like I have done now, the shift is just powerful. Yeah, so that would probably be it have been the advice. I don't know if I would have listened, but uh, I would have had a good place to start. It comes back to me

Speaker 1:

thinking what, what is your fuel? If your fuel is what other people think, then you're all, like you were saying before, you're always at the mercy of them. You're always at the mercy of what the weather's going to be if you wait around for lucky. We live in Australia and most of the days of sunny, but for the sunshine, what if, what if it rains for a month? We're going to be unhappy for a month just because of the weather. Just because this one person doesn't like you, you're not going to be happy or feel worthy.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure we've all had many friends in our life that come and go. There's a reason for that and that's perfectly normal and okay and so true. And that fuel just runs out and it's not there consistently. You can't live off it forever. And that's where I sort of like had a big period of my life. Yeah. Where, yeah. Okay. I'm succeeding. Yeah. Okay. I do a good thing and I play a good game of football. Uh, I do something, I wear something nice to get attention from girls or other people. Awesome. For five seconds. It's not sustainable, it's not sustainable. So he hit the nail on the head. That's saving goes back to the money thing. The more money I make, the more people will like me. It's like, no. The more people like me. Why all night? That's what they like. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

He would sign is always going to be someone with more money. Hmm. What fuels you authentically and then focus on that lane to that with everything you've got. Yeah. How do you think, would you stay in to this? How do you think people can become more fulfilled in life?

Speaker 3:

Progress and service, growth, progress and service. Grr. Because that equals progress. Progress equals happiness. Even if we're not where we need to be, if we're better than we were yesterday, that feels awesome. Tell me that growth is not the most fulfilling feeling ever. And when I think Tony Robbins says, if we're not growing, we're dead. You're either moving forward or you're dying, period. And I know there's been times in my life where I haven't been doing anything, and you might have all some stuff. You might have lots of money, but if you're not growing, you're just, you're dying. And it's a horrible feeling. So I think growth is massive. It's while I'm just fully obsessed with personal development, because every time you grow, there's an element of pioneer. There's a little bit of frustration. What can I do you? Oh Wow, that's what I have to do. It's fulfilling. And then again, growing so that you can give, yeah, I went through that so that then I can help someone else. There's no better feeling on the planet then helping somebody. And again, I will be vulnerable and say the right to force myself because when I used to hear this, oh yeah, that's cool, but what about me? But what you, what you realize when you start to give, like I remember when we were in Canada and we went through a drive Thru at Mcdonald's and I was this homeless guy there and he was asking for money and I had previously had an experience where I guys, I just need a burger. I seen a burger. Okay, no worries. I'll buy it for, he's like, no, no, no. Just give me the money and I'll go up and get it cause I want to choose. Yeah, no worries. Okay. I give him the money. He just runs out. So you're like, is this going to help us? Not even going to help. But then later on I gave it to this person. My cows, like he's probably just going to do something silly with that. And it's like, well I can't control that. Yeah. But how good does it feel to say that I've been willing to help? And so I think that that, I don't know even what the question was, what's, what does the secret to being fulfilled? Yeah, how can I, how can people become more of a row and then give, grow and then give, grow and give, grow and they give, cause that'll have stopped. You can never run out of that. You talk about a fuel, like you can never stop growing. There'll always be room for improvement and you can never stop giving and that just feels fills you up. And even like what we're doing right now, we're so present and so here because we are sharing stuff that maybe someone will vibe with and this will help somebody. And that's just an amazing feeling and we're being authentic and just being real with sharing our growth and that's going to help people. How powerful is that? And it's just, it's not forced. We're going to have to come up with the answers. It's just realness. So that's fulfillment. There's also a lesson in there. It's go buy the Burger first and give it to him. That's a good lesson. Don't fall for the trap that you can help, but you can be more specific in how you help control the house.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

What is a big problem that you think needs to be talked about more in society? I feel like I keep saying the same. It's just for all of your questions, but it's my theme. Yeah. Hey, people need to become who they really are, period. That's the problem in society.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. At the end of the day,

Speaker 3:

we are so caught up and it's own folders. A world. You know, as we spoke about marketing before we can, we've conditioned ourselves to want to be someone else that we need something else externally to be able to feel the way we want to feel internally. But if we work on ourselves and we're able to figure it out who we are and start showing up in that way, I have, I just cannot begin to it put into words how it has felt the last 1218 months to do this. And I don't know if you, you can, you can relate, but there is no greater feeling like there's no greater drug than being who you are. That's what society needs. That's what's missing because if everyone's doing what they, they love the sharing their story, they're helping people by sharing what they've grown through and giving that through service. The world's a better, we're all happier, we're fulfilled. So that's what society needs and we need to, this podcast is what society needs because awareness, awareness, realizing that a hundred percent personal responsibility is needed and that how you feel and everything that you've achieved is based on what's going on inside and you can do something about that. And, and we are asleep as a country, as the world for the most part. Most people don't realize that their thoughts and their beliefs and their values and their rules, philosophy that have been conditioned into them are changeable. Most people don't notice the stories that are holding them back, but most people don't notice their rules that are making them stressed. So I think what we need the world needs is just to just lean into that and to figure it out. Figuring out that a and become aware just to become aware because once you have awareness, even the awareness sometimes isn't enough to break the pattern and allow you to do something different. And like I think even for myself, like the story of I can't express myself because I won't be liked. You'll be judged for the, I'll be judged if you're not aware of that story, it's going to drive everything you do. I'm not going to speak up because what if I'm not liked, but then all of a sudden I become aware of that story and it's like, ah, that's what I'm saying to myself. If I speak up, then I'll be judged. I won't be liked. No wonder I'm not speaking up. Do I want to speak up? Absolutely. Okay. Maybe I can change that story. Yeah. I, if I speak up, I can change the world. You can create like this story's a stupid anyway, none of them make any sense. You might as well have stories that have value. If I speak up, I may change one person's life and that's worth it. Yeah. If I speak up, I'm going to feel alive and the awareness alone, what is it? And then you can create a new thought. You know, why do I always do this? Ah, notice that there, you know, you can then interject and install beliefs, thoughts, stories that suits you. And the problem is with our stories, sometimes, as you know, they may be intellectual. Uh, I just, I'm no good at sales. Yeah. Maybe you're not that experienced, but that's going to stop you from actually trying to do sales in the first place. The question is not, is this story true? It's, does it serve me if the answer is no, create a new one. Yeah. Because the new story could be, I'm the master of sales and nobody can stop me because I sense what people most need and I break them through no matter what. Is it true or not true? Who Cares? Does it serve you if you had it at would, yeah, so awareness and authentic authenticity, you tone that up to like 10 x even the first that would be unwilling to learn sales. I'm willing to get good at this thing that I don't know through through practice I will become at it. Yeah, right. Whatever. Just whatever is going to help

Speaker 1:

pure but awareness. Yeah. Yeah, and I think what you were talking about before was why we want to be liked is because back in primitive days is that if you weren't like you're kicked out and you have the tribe and you've probably got eaten by an animal or something and that's understandable. So we want to feel like, like it's, I like to be liked and I hate to be hated. Like, I feel like a lot of people would have that or most people would have that. But you know how good it feels to be liked for who you are and you attract, like you're saying, you, your message, your message, you, you share the authentic, you lock on this podcast, man, we get so vulnerable, so deep. And to some people it's like, why would you share that? And it's like, well, I know other people have been through it. There's not anything I'm going to go through that somebody hasn't been through and can relate to. And when you can, then you feel a sense of, oh, it's not just me. What did you do to, to get over this? Or what did you do to improve your situation? Then you can connect. But being your authentic self, like you've, you've said it, this whole podcast, which is a great theme to it and I love it. Coming into the new year is just, yeah, work on being your authentic self because that is the best feeling you can have. It's the game. Yeah. How can I find my purpose?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Take your time. Realize that you can't buy it at Kohl's or Bunnings, Bunnings and everything. You still can't find it there.

Speaker 1:

And if they did, it would be 10% lower than a wherever you got it from. Actually if it's a Bunnings, I'll let you know you'll get a good discount.

Speaker 3:

Can you find your purpose? First of all, be really patient. Worst advice ever for someone who really wants their purpose but be patient. We'll look at what you've gone through and what you've struggled with and what you've overcome. It doesn't matter who you are. We've all gone through stuff we've all learnt to overcome fears, challenges,

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

If you're early on in your journey and you're still going through stuff, just put the purposing on hold. Just get through what you're going through because when you get through that, then you have something that you have grown from and then you have something to give. So find out what it is that you've learnt, overcome or discovered that you enjoy talking about. And then put that out there. Simple as that. And I, and when I, when I realized that it was like, it took the load off my shoulders, it wasn't like I have to find the perfect thing. It was just legit. What have I gone through that obviously I love talking about this stuff because it's changed my life. So it's easy to talk about is when people say passion, it's easy to get passionate about because you've, you've done it enough so you're essentially good at it and then away you go. And you know, some people are, you know, fortunate enough that they might've been in sales for 10 years and they're just a Gannett styles and that's their passion because they are awesome at it. And I like helping people, but it doesn't, it can be even more simple than that luck, you know, moms that learned to, to, to deal with a busy household and be happy. Like if you've overcome that, you can share and help other people with that. And your purpose to it doesn't necessarily need to be around a business either. Your purpose can just simply be helping other people, what you've overcome with medical person. Yeah. Um, I'm still like, it's an l evolution. Absolutely. Yeah. Like I don't know if this is perfect or if I'm 100% on the right track. I'm just leaning into it and it feels good. So that's my definition of a purpose. And so be patient. Pay attention to what lights you up and what you've overcome and lean into that. Love that. If this was the last time you see me and I asked you to teach me something tangible, like using my life every day to improve my life, what would you teach me? Develop a morning ritual because our member again attended first Tony Robbins seminar three or four years ago. Knowledge through the roof, mind blown. And that's a problem when we listened to, like, I've listened to thousands of hours of content on Youtube, on podcasts, and we know a lot of stuff like, and many people listening to this, we know a lot of stuff, but there's a, knowledge is only potential power. Knowledge is only potential power. If you don't use it, it's shit. Being a good person feels good. Well, it doesn't work for you, not a good person. Yeah. And the reality is I went through, it was probably still 18 months, two years from there were nothing had changed. And I realized that I was still still stressed. I still wasn't feeling fully confident in myself. I still wasn't allowing myself to feel love. I wasn't making the progress I wanted to make. And the reality is I'm putting to practice anything I had lunch. So one of the most powerful things that I implemented from there was to introduce a morning ritual. Because what that does is it allows you to program yourself on a daily basis by stone who you want to become. And if you do that consistently, it is so tangible that if any human being picked this up and did it, it would change their life. And I follow a morning ritual at the moment, uh, that I picked up from a business program that, I mean, where the guy, our CEO lineup in a program that costs him like 125 grand, but it doesn't have to be complex. It's just a matter of basically I was going to say, what, what is that? What is your routine? So it was the$120,000 is it? So it's basically four songs that you listen to that you've picked specifically for yourself that are going to take you through a journey to basically say basically with this morning ritual, if the level at which you nail it is going to be how you show up for the day. And what you're going to get is if you're someone who's fearful, if you're someone who has limiting beliefs, everyone, if you're someone who wants to be better at something, leaning into this is going to make you blow up in a huge way. And I would say my growth in the last six months, probably the biggest thing has that has helped me get there as this morning ritual. So the first song you put on is something that makes you feel grateful. So I think I've got like a titanic theme song, not like the really lovey dovey one, but just one of the instrumentals and the first half of that song I spend saying out loud anything in my life that I'm really grateful for. So close Meyer's hand on the heart. What am I grateful for? So I'm grateful for my mega comfy bed rifle, coffee and gravel for my wife. Grateful for Carlo and this podcast, grateful for Georgia. What am I grateful for? Second half of this song. And obviously you've got that song. It's a, it's a music anchoring exercise too. So that song comes on, I'm feeling grateful. Second half of the song is what do you appreciate and are grateful for about who you are? So Owen, you're a, you're an amazing human being. You care so much about other people. You're showing up as the best version of yourself and you're changing lives. And this can be really difficult and brings up a lot of emotion because you're for once actually appreciating who you are. And so I go through it just, just ranting. Basically, what am I grateful for? What am I grateful about myself? That song finishes, that's kind of a, a feminines slow song where we're taking that time to get grateful. Yeah. Get into that state. Second Song is lifts the intensity. So you're going from really feminine, Slow Song to a really masculine, let's get fired up song. So I've got killing in the name of rage against the machine, fires me up. This is where you just light up. I've you create five to 10 impairing beliefs that previously I've gone through, what am I five to 10 limiting beliefs and what are five to 10 empowering beliefs that I can replace them with to flip them. So you've got your beliefs, Sarah. I've got them out of my phone and you just yelling them out like with full emotional intensity as if like I am the most, like I, I show up with love and leadership because when I, my truth with passion, purpose, I'll become fully alive and I'm unstoppable. I'm an outstanding sales genius because when I get onto the call I do whatever it takes to break the person through. Yeah. Just full on. This is who I am, who I am, this is who I want to become. And over time, like you just believe that shit. Like you say it with enough emotion and that's enough intensity and it's not just an affirmation. This is, this is in grinding it an etching it into your soul. Yeah. So you do that for the whole entire song. You just sucked up. Like this just gets you vibrating at a whole nother level. I was just about to say the energy would be unreal. I'm just getting a, now I can see it in the chain. You're sitting in your face. Yeah, it's full on. And then next song it's getting, it's like an instrumental, this is a visualization. So you go on to the next song, which is a visualization. You put on a nice calm song that you can just relax into hand on your heart and this is where you visualize being and having already achieved whatever your goal is. So for me it's changing 1000 lives and creating a multimillion dollar coaching business. So visualizing and actually seeing crystal clear in my eyes achieving that. How am I helping people? How am I showing up in the world? How am I communicating? I said, oh, I see myself shaking. Lewis Howes, his hand and tiny Billy or whatever his name is going on, epic podcast being super happy, changing lives. Just seeing it happen. And obviously one of the best ways to change your identity and who you are, it's you actually see yourself achieving it. Yeah. Seeing it already done. So that's what what that process is. And then lastly, you on the last song, and this is a dance song. This is the fun, right? You put on your favorite dance shirt and you just go crazy and dance around the room. Mark just mental. It's best if you can guys sometimes struggle with this if they're particularly masculine, uh, and girls or generally struggle with the more masculine belief song. Yeah. But if you do this fallout, like I've done this in, in, in groups with the, with the group that I'm in now, you see people that are bawling their eyes out. You'd like when you first do it, it brings up a lot of emotion because you're like, you, you're starting to like really own who you want to become. And anyway, that's a, I don't even know what the question was. What's the most tangible advice you can give morning ritual, whether it's as intense as that or simply waking up? What are three things that I'm grateful for and visualizing what you want want to achieve. If you do that consistently enough, you're going to rewire your brain to think a different way, to feel, a different way to, to believe that you can do something different. And that's the most tangible thing for me because that is actually something that any human being can do. And if you want to do something and be something different, you can just restructure and rewire yourself. And again, you, you sense through my change state then like how I feel after I've done that is just next level and it just allows me to show up in the world and they're in a whole different way. That is an awesome piece of tangible advice. So again, click 32nd, rewind a couple of times and go back to that list and I would take notes. That's what a love where there's podcasts, there's so much juicy stuff. So when I'm editing and I like go back to the notes, it doesn't work if you don't do it. Yes, he playing it and then not do it. And the funny thing is I love it so much, but my, my mind or body still stops me from wanting to do it. It's like, no, I don't have to do it to the attorney to do it today, which is really weird. Take a day off. It's all right. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Take a day off. And then I use that as research. How do I feel that day? Or even don't know about you, but it's like this isn't working. It hasn't, it hasn't worked. It's been a week. It's been a month. You haven't got all the things you want. It's consistency every single day. Yeah. It's building that muscle, building that bicep curls. You're not going to get a great body through lifting one white once and eating a salad once. Do it every day. Dammit. I should go into the gym once a month. I'd be aren't even no time. Oh, you just need to follow that 10 day juice cleanse clean. Realize, get around that. I've got a friend who's got these pills. Donate food. Just take the pill. Don't get me started. Anyway, that's another tangent. Um, what is most meaningful to you in life right now? No

Speaker 3:

love. I think I was trapped thinking that if I was able to be significant enough and to get the things I want, that that would give me love. But the reality is, is that it's inside of all of us. And that's being prepared to love who you are. It's being prepared to love other people and help other people. And I still don't even fully understand what love is, but it's just a, it's all that matters. That's all that matters. And we just, we have these fronts and we have these fees and we feel we have to be a certain way and it's all because we just want to fit in. We want to be liked because ultimately we want to be loved. You know, my biggest fear is that we will not be enough and therefore we're not be laughed. And the reality is, is that learning to give that to yourself and like people listening to this podcast, I will assume that you are all really hard on yourself and that even though you're probably doing amazing things, that you still feel bad because you're not further along and you feel bad because you haven't done something to your own standard and love is simply also just being able to accept where you're at right now regardless of whether or not you're all the way to the end and loving yourself is okay. Today I feel like crap and I've still got to make 20 sales calls and saying, I'm going to call it a day because I need this. For me, it's being able to just give yourself the love that you would give other people and then we do give other people to ourselves because you give it to yourself, then you feel it. And also if you give it to others, you feel it as well. And that's just something I, it's a work in progress to be honest. It's still a work in progress, but I just know that that's, that's the secret to life. That's what it's about. Love that. What impact do you want to have on people, the community in the world? I want people to realize that regardless of where you're at, that you can change that you, if you're in pain, you can be out of pain. If you, if you are stuck, that you can become unstuck. I want through what I do is to show people that they can be whatever and whoever they want to be. My biggest why right now is the fact that I know I'll have a couple of little critters running around in a few years and I can't even, I can't even imagine what it would be like trying to say to them, you can be anything you want to be if I'm not being there. So I want to be an example to other people and show people that they can be anything that they want to be really, truly, and not just like, oh, you can be whatever you want to be and no, but legit. You can't. Cause I think even people that listen to this podcast will automatically think, oh, you know, these guys are just naturally confident. They just naturally the why they are like the first time I filmed my first Facebook video, I filmed it like 65 times. Like I stuttered on our word. I stopped like I struggled and people see the end result. We follow people. You know, you see you're Tony Robbins, you say Oprah, you see anyone will Smith. You say all these people that are just mega successful. And we think that they're just like that. But the reality is they created it for the most part. I want people to realize that I want to show them who I really am and who I was and how I've been able to change. And it's hopefully maybe just inspires someone to realize that they can do it too. It's definitely a journey, a unique journey for everyone. Mm hmm. Don't, don't compare and just realize that you can create what you want. There's a lot behind the Instagram picture. Hmm. Heaps, heaps. Let it inspire you. That's all you should be doing. Yup. What does it mean to be conscious, to have awareness of what is really going on and it can be really easy to get really woo when we talk about conscious. But I think for me it's just what's going on in my head and what's driving me? Why do I think the way that I think, what do I do? The things that I want to do that for me is consciousness, at least in the why that I, that I see it. It's just awareness of what's happening and why and through that awareness, being able to interject and install whatever the hell we want to install and create who we want to create as opposed to having our partner say something and then we just explode. Why did you explode? How is that triggering you? That's awareness and instead of having this evil little devil just inside your head, just like moving you around like a puppet, which can happen to us and still happens to you. And I'm sure there's things that we're not aware of that are driving us, but that's speak to yourself. I'm conscious collar. You're just over. There's zen master. For those of you who can't see this right now, Carlo is, I'm limited. He's levitating off the table and he's just vibrating rightness. But for any of the lesson, Kevin's around that, that is a jug. That is sarcasm. Yes, I do get the devil from time to time. Don't worry. So I think that's it. For me, it's, it's just, it's awareness. It doesn't ask to be any more than that. Where can people see more of your stuff, your events, your value, your goodness, your Facebook lives, your rants, you'll flow your light. I went home 23 is my normal Facebook account. Come and check out my stuff there. My business account is at Oh and hone official. Uh, I'm a bit slack on just on Facebook primarily at the moment. Uh, and I've got some other stuff coming around, but just jump on there. Send me a friend request. I'd love to connect with you. And if you vibe with my stuff, drop a comment and say hello. But that's, that's, I'll make it easy for you. It just jump on a Facebook toppy and I went home, O, w, a,N, h, o, n, e. And it'd be good to have you there. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And all those links will be in the show notes as well when whatever device you're on, if you just scroll up in the description, there's a clickable link that'll take you right there. So we've made it even simpler and definitely reach out if something in this has resonated with you, if you've loved, um, one thing, but I know you got to love a lot of things. Reach out to Owen on Instagram, Facebook, let us know, leave it in a comment, leave a review and, and write it in there. Um, we will reach out, we will talk back. We're not robots. We do see our messages and do respond. Um, and I think, man, I just want to say thank you so much for taking the time today to sit with me, share this conscious conversation, but also the friendship that we've had, even though it's been virtual for the past two years, even connecting with you twice for an hour, age has been, has been unreal. And the stuff you're doing inside of the group, the stuff you're doing in the world, um, your authenticity and sharing that message with everyone and doing the inner work yourself to become fit, to serve everyone else and then lift everyone else up. It's really admirable and I've got so much love for you man. So thank you so much.

Speaker 3:

That got your brother to uh, that's acknowledged Carlo for a minute because you're bringing all this bringing us all together and the man and his head. Is it going to weigh him down? He's going to fall off his leg with Tyson and I thank you for everything that you're doing as well. We all appreciate it. You're welcome brother. All right, go ahead. Say if you did enjoy it, make sure you do follow, like send a message

Speaker 2:

he from you and apart from that and make sure you're being the real authentic you and keep sharing the love. Take care guys. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen in on our conversation. Hopefully he got some insights and values to raise your awareness. If you like the podcast, please like share on social media and leader of you on whatever platform. I would really appreciate it. You can also keep up to date on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Both handles are at the conscious podcast and also my personal account, which is at Carlow underscore Ciriello. Until next time, take care and be nice.