Talk Ten Tuesdays

Introducing the Hybrid CDI

June 12, 2018 Chuck Buck | Suzette E. Sutherland, MD | Gloryanne Bryant | Terry Fletcher | Stefani Daniels, RN | Stanley Nachimson | H. Steven Moffic, MD Episode 328
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) is a world-renowned healthcare provider and insurer based in Pittsburgh, Penn. With more than 30 academic, community, and specialty hospitals, 600 doctors’ offices in outpatient sites, and more than 4,600 physicians, operating an array of rehabilitation, retirement, and long-term care facilities, UPMC relies on technology to help enhance its coding and clinical documentation improvement (CDI) program.  And the latest reiteration of its CDI program, called Hybrid CDI, constitutes a system that combines off-site as well as on-site clinical documentation integrity specialists.

To learn more about this promising approach, we asked Megan Cortazzo, MD, an assistant professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at UPMC, to be our special guest on this edition of Talk Ten Tuesdays. Dr. Cortazzo also serves as the medical director of CDI and health information management (HIM) for the UPMC System.

Other segments to be featured on the broadcast include:

  • News Desk: Gloryanne Bryant, past president of the California Health Information Association and an ICD10monitor contributor shares the latest news on the release of FY2019 ICD-10-CM Code Changes.
  • Case Management Report: Nationally recognized case management expert and author Stefani Daniels returns to Talk Ten Tuesdays to report on the hot topic of length of stay (LOS). Daniels is the founder and partner of Phoenix Medical Management, Inc.

  • Coding Report: Nationally recognized coding and documentation authority Terry Fletcher highlights her findings from her four-part series on auditing issues in physician documentation she uncovered in her exclusive reporting for ICD10monitor.
  • RegWatch: Leading healthcare technology consultant Stanley Nachimson returns with his popular segment, RegWatch, through which he reports on the latest regulatory changes coming out of Washington, D.C.
  • Mental Health report: Nationally renowned psychiatrist and Talk Ten Tuesday contributor H. Steven Moffic, MD, reports on recent celebrity deaths, physician burnout and physician suicide.

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