The SALTcast

What Kind of Companies Get Audited For Sales Tax?

Ryan Johnson

 There are a lot of unknowns about a sales tax audit and it can be impossible to predict when a sales tax audit will happen. However, there are ways to become prepared when they do happen. We have been in the business long enough to know what kind of businesses auditors look for and what factors go into their choices. We have created a comprehensive guide we call, “The Ultimate Guide to Fighting a Sales Tax Audit,” that has all the tips and tricks you need to successfully navigate a sales tax audit.

Additional Questions Answered:

What kind of companies get chosen for sales tax audits?

Will I get chosen for a sales tax audit even if I have been audited before?

What factor’s go into being chosen for a sales tax audit?

Go here to download your copy of “The Ultimate Guide to Fighting a Sales Tax Audit.”

If you are under audit and don’t know what to do next. Go here to schedule your free What’s Next call.