The SALTcast

How are States Going To Be Recouping Lost Revenues From the Covid-19 Pandemic

Andrew H. Johnson, CPA and Daniel M. Peisner, CMI

With states opening back up I wanted to talk to Dan Peisner, CMI, to see  what we can expect states to do to recoup tax losses over the last few months. We have already seen a flurry of new laws and the restructuring of economic nexus laws. What more can they do?

Additional Questions Answered:

Are states going to be performing more sales tax audits?

How can I prepare for a sales tax audit?

What will states be looking for during these sales tax audits?

Who will the states be going after?

What are some mistakes businesses are making?

What should you do first before an audit starts?

How will ecommerce sellers be impacted?

If you find yourself in a sales tax audit or you fear that your turn is next. It is never too late to get on a FREE "Wha't's Next?" call with us today. Schedule yours here: