Beyond Your Past Radio

Podcast - Ep. 88 - 3 Key Components of Healing and Transformation, with Christy Maxey MC, LPC.

Matthew Pappas, CLC, CPNLP
Healing and Transformation, something most of us have likely heard about in one form or another. Perhaps it's in regards to mending a broken heart, transforming negative mindsets, or a shift in the way we feel about ourselves in everyday life. When we're talking about healing from trauma, it's all of those ideas and more.

When you are working through something that has negatively affected your life on a level that perhaps you don't even fully comprehend yet, your core beliefs are shaken and many times completely twisted so much that you don't even remember who you once were. Or, you have very little idea, if any at all, of being any other way than what you've been groomed to believe and accept.

Changing those negative core beliefs is an essential part of healing, and if we're being honest, it's vital to our healing. If we don't learn to transform the very way that we see ourselves in all aspects of life; healing becomes exponentially more difficult. Essentially we are fighting to change something that we aren't willing to or don't know how to change, because it's been so ingrained into our minds over years, decades even.

My guest on the podcast today, Christy Maxey, talks about the importance of changing negative core beliefs with 3 key components of healing and transformation.

Christy Maxey, MC, LPC, is based out of Arizona, and works with clients locally and virtually in the areas of depression, anxiety, relationships, trauma, self-esteem issues, divorce, and PTSD. She has also branched out into personal development coaching, which you can read more about on her website. 

Christy utilizes a method she created and developed, called the Maxx Method, which helps manage emotions, identify the inner critic and find ways to change negative core beliefs, solve the wounds that keep you stuck, give yourself permission to dream and learn how to take action now on your own behalf. You can learn more about her Maxx Method by clicking here.

During our chat on the podcast, Christy talks further about the essential components of healing:


As you listen to Christy share about these 3 key areas, you'll learn not only the importance of each and why, but ways that you can implement them into your life. After all, it's good to know about something but it's even more important to learn how to do it.

In addition to those key components, we also chat about topics including:
The 3 areas that we are all driven by in daily life and in healing
Why we can get stuck in one or more of those areas
More on the negative core beliefs and how to change them
How we judge ourselves, and why that makes it uncomfortable to revisit feelings and events of the past
How we are all born valuable, but along the way in life we learn to devalue ourselves

There's so much more I could tell you, but hey I don't want to spoil the podcast for ya before you even listen to it, so why not click that play button right here in this post, or listen on your favorite podcasting app and learn more about Christy's work in counseling and coaching, and about the importance of changing our negative core beliefs in order to heal.

Don't forget to follow Christy Maxey on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin as well as her website,

- Matthew Pappas, CLC, CPNLP

All conversation and information exchanged during participation on the Beyond Your Past Podcast, on, and is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on these podcasts or posted on the above mentioned websites are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers

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