Beyond Your Past Radio

Podcast - Ep. 100 - Looking Back and Moving Forward

November 12, 2018 Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP

Something I learned a long time ago, from both a therapist, and later from a coach, and to be honest more than a few others, is to celebrate the wins, no matter how small they may seem. It's something I encourage clients to do, talk about on the podcast often, and reference in blog posts. It's a regular reminder on the daily recovery support calls, it's something that I have written down right on a post it note on the wall, right behind this monitor.

So when I talked to a friend about a week ago, and was sharing just in passing that I was coming up on episode 100 of the Beyond Your Past Podcast, she said to me, so how are you going to celebrate that?

Uummmm, what? I replied?

"How are you going to celebrate this win, acknowledge this's a big deal", she said.

I thought about it for a minute and said, well it's funny but this episode kind of snuck up on me, landing at 100; and so I hadn't really thought of doing something special initially. Of course it was then that I got a taste of my own medicine; a reminder that if I'm going to encourage someone to do something good for their journey, I should remember to do it more often too. we are at episode 100 of the podcast and I figured it might be a good idea to take a brief break from the normal routine and just talk with you for a while about what's been happening over the last year including some events over the last 12 months that have changed my life in ways I would have never even thought could happen.

As I tossed around some ideas on what to do, I had a brainstorm of making a compilation of highlights from a select number of episodes over the last year. However the more I thought about it, trying to decide which episodes to choose and which sections to use, it became a daunting task that I would never have been able to finish in time for my regular schedule. Plus, each and every guest, and their episodes are equally important and have their own special message, so trying to decide who would make the cut just didn't seem like something I would be ok with doing. 

So I figured, hey, I haven't done one of those, "talk to you guys" episodes in quite a while, and now just might be a good time to do one again. 

I'm happy to do just that on this milestone show, number 100...and I'm thankful that you've decided (or at least are considering) giving it a listen. And heck, maybe even share it with someone who might find it interesting as well. *I know, living on the wild side, right!*

During this episode, we'll chat about:

  • What is Surviving My Past, how and why did I create it and how does the podcast fit into the blog. For that matter, how did Beyond Your Past form anyway. 
  • A look back at earlier episode topics and how the podcast has evolved from earlier show design and topics, to current episodes. 
  • The last 12 months of events, both positive and challenging that found me facing:
    • Death of my dad
    • The marriage of my daughter
    • Birthdays and Holidays
    • A rare illness that sent me to the hospital and a subsequent ongoing recovery. 
    • Continued education and finishing several new certification programs
    • Leaving corporate America after 17 years and striking out on my own, full-time. 
    • New opportunities that have developed and a partnership with a friend and mentor, and now colleague.
    • and more. 

Thank you again to each and every one of you who listens each week and shares the podcast episodes; together we are reaching survivors, practitioners, and advocates all over the world with the message of hope, validation, and inspiration. 

Remember...celebrate those wins, every single one of them and don't minimize the progress you've made so far and the path you are on that will continue to help you live your life, no

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