Beyond Your Past Radio

Mental Health Megacast - 3 Guys Talking About Advocacy and Recovery.

Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP

Welcome back to the Mental Health Megacast, a semi-regular round table discussion with 3 mental health advocates, podcasters, and survivors of circumstances we'd rather forget, who are trying to find our way through life and make a difference.

Officially, this is Season 2, Ep. 4 - but our numbering system isn't an exact science since this is actually episode 110 of my podcast, while it's also something different for Wes and Mike's shows. Anyways...we're just stoked for each opportunity to come together for an hour and chat about what's been going on in our lives; the struggles, the challenges, the wins and progress, and everything in between.

Anyways, just in case you aren’t familiar with the Megacasts, you can check out past episodes here, and also my cohorts platforms as well….

To that end, the Megacast is creation of the collaborative brain powers (more or less) of Wes from and Mike from, and myself.  I encourage you to check out and follow them online and through your favorite podcasting platform. Each of these has a tremendous message to share and an inspiring and unique way in how they go about it.

In this episode,

after the usual cheers because we all got signed on at the same time (yes that's a thing we do and celebrate it because the struggle is real with us 3 and time) we begin the focus of this Megacast episode:

How things have changed for each of us over the last year, and how our lives have changed in terms of sharing our story and our advocacy work from the time we started, till now.

  • Witnessing the evolution in each of our lives as we have changed over the last couple of years since we began this podcast collaboration.
  • How the awareness of mental health has changed over the years, the availability of resources and help in the US and UK, and the ongoing struggle to speak up and ask for help.
  • Struggles with anxiety and depression, and realizing that finding tools to help combat the those feelings is not a "one size fits all" approach; not everything works for every person, and if a particular skill does not work for you, it doesn't mean anything other than we just find a skill or skills that do work for us. We also share some of the skills that we all use in working through anxiety.
  • Living life in the moment, and using mindfulness and perspective to help in recovery.
  • and much more!

We hope you enjoy this latest episode, and yes if you do have suggestions for future shows, we are still taking them. ;) One of the best things about these episodes is that that they are completely unedited, unscripted, just us hanging out and having a chat, and you are invited.

Be sure and follow Wes on Twitter @WesA1966 and Mike @Mike_Douglas_ & Open_Journal_  …oh and don’t forget to follow and subscribe to all of our shows on your favorite podcasting app!

-Matt Pappas, CLC, MPNLP

All conversation and information exchanged during participation the Beyond Your Past Podcast, on, and is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on these podcasts or posted on the above mentioned websites are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers.

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