Beyond Your Past Radio

Anxiety and New Years Resolutions - Ep. 112

Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP

So...New Years Resolutions. The very thought often brings about an eye roll, anxious feelings, perhaps apathy, just to name a few. If you're like many, you don't even bother with them because you feel like the don't work anyway so what's the point. For others, the start of each new year is an opportunity to try again with a renewed sense of confidence.  Either way, you're not alone.

On this second podcast episode of 2019 (as you'll hear in the podcast I actually call it the 1st episode), I thought I'd take a few minutes and catch you all up on what's been happening with the show, the direction it's headed, and some other projects I'm working on...just in case you're interested in hearing some updates.

If you are..Great, then listen right from the beginning and you'll be all set.

However, if getting those news and notes isn't really your thing, that's cool too...just forward to the 6:50 mark of the podcast where I dive in to the New Years' Resolutions, Anxiety, and setting yourself up for success as much as possible with the goals you make for yourself.

We'll dive into things like:

  • The worry of not accomplishing goals can stop you from even bother to set any in the first place.
  • Extreme thinking, an "all or nothing" mindset, and catastrophizing can lead to self-shame with your goals.
  • Deciding to make resolutions, or goals, is not a one shot deal, you can have as many do-overs you need.
    • I share a bit more of using this "do-over" mentality to your advantage, not your detriment.
  • Being vigilant about imposter syndrome, and old unhealthy, toxic mindsets that no longer serve you.
  • Consider adding a goal of continuing something you're already doing, it's a great way to set yourself for a win with your goals.
  • Make your goals, S.M.A.R.T.
  • The 3 words, 1 simple phrase, you'll want to add it to every single goal.

Remember, whether you decide to set some resolutions or goals, or deserve to put your healing first in 2019. Anxiety has no place in your life, so make this the year that you take your power back from Anxiety...and empower yourself for a change.

-Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP


All conversation and information exchanged during participation on the Beyond Your Past Podcast, on, and is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on these podcasts or posted on the above mentioned websites are supplements for or supersedes the relationship and direction of your medical or mental health providers.

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