The Goldsmith Odyssey

Episode 3 - Face of a Fugitive (1959) & Toccata (1958)

Jens, Yavar, and Clark Season 1 Episode 4

In this episode, we take a look at another Goldsmith-scored western: the 1959 Fred MacMurray vehicle Face of a Fugitive. Your humble hosts Jens, Yavar, and Clark discuss the simple pleasures of this conventional yet competent film, and explore some of the highlights of Goldsmith's melodic, entertaining score (including a flexible central motif, a memorably melancholy secondary theme, a delicate love theme, and some thrilling action cues). As a prelude to that discussion, we offer a brief look at the flavorful "Toccata for Solo Guitar," the first concert piece of Goldsmith's career. Climb aboard the train and enjoy the ride!

The Work: Face of a Fugitive on, Contemporary Creations for Spanish Guitar on Discogs

In Depth: Yavar's liner notes for Face of a Fugitive

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