All Souls Church Knoxville

Parables | The Sower

All Souls Knoxville

Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 | Doug Banister

This is a parable that describes different responses to the gospel. Work through each soil. What kind of person does this soil represent? What keeps the seed from flourishing? We live in a different world today. What might these challenges look like in our world?

Which soil do you most identify with today? Why?

How do we prepare our hearts so that we are good soil?

Writing a Rule for Life: 6 Questions 

1. Who are my spiritual friends and how will I be with them this year?
2. What kind of work/life balance do I want to have this year?
3. How will I engage scripture this year?
4. What will prayer look like for me this year?
5. What will my relationship with my church look like this year?
6. How will I serve this year?
6. What will my giving look like this year?

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